You are creating the world by your responses and by your acts. And your acts will be reflections of your own iterating uniqueness. This world makes the next world.
We are here. We are listening together: tuning up. tuning forks striking at the same meter/ pattern/ frequency. You are new to this thrumming together. This is the alignment time: the pattern shift and we are guiding you and being guided by our own evolution – a higher frequency pattern holder. The deep order.
And we are two and we are one in concert together. And that word ‘concert’ is also a descriptor for musicians and music made together. One music, many performers of the pattern – each with his or her own instrument and part to play. And yes, music is a pattern and so is language and so is life and so is breath.
And this pattern/these patterns are one field and made by many and can you see this with us? For this is our message today and always. We are making this song together.
Amy has noticed that having her cat beside her during our transmissions/our conversations together can help to clarify her sense of the message and to calm her. She is asking if this is the same effect as when two or more people gather to meditate or worship together. And this reminds her of a line from song and scripture. “Whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name, there is love.” And this is so – a true effect and there is much here to unpack together.
This is collective resonance; an effect of this in music is harmony, where sounds vibrate together to make another sound collectively. The many singular sounds make the one chord, as it were.
One supports the other and as we have said, through many other teachers, including your scientists, fields of vibratory pattern tend to follow the strongest, most clearly spoken/clearly struck chord/stream; the strongest/clearest bell will tend to lead other bells. The less organized, less certain bells will follow, entraining to the one bell which is clearly and steadily struck.
And this is the nature of the world and it is good – for the Creator is the one bell, constantly struck, the pattern holder for all patterns and all beings, beasts, fields and flows. And all can return to this steady, reliable constant ‘sound’ -the one song, which never falters.
And this is the sound of OM, of oscillating energy, of creation itself, singing. And when experienced through the eyes, this is the pattern of color and beauty, or light. And this is the feeling/sense of love/contentment, the certainty that balance has been restored and all is well.
For each of you has an inner ‘bell’ and your bell is attuned to vibrate with the one bell and its song. And each of you has a kind of ‘meter’, which measures and balances all that you encounter against this inner bell. And all are gifted with this crystal-clear/ crystal-like ‘meter.’
(We search for a better word than ‘meter’ – we feel for a word which signifies a measuring tool that is faultless, flawless and never falters – a chip of diamond, an inner mirror. A word for a thing which reflects itself – the same source from which it came. The chip of diamond which is like the diamond from which it is hewn; a word for the mirror endlessly mirroring itself; a word for love reaching for love; for a hologram, endlessly iterating likenesses of itself for there is only itself, everywhere.)
And yet ‘everywhere’ is not the same as here and now. And you are not all ‘the same’. And we want that to be clear. You are not all the same – and we seek to demonstrate the beauty and specificity of your one unique life. For you are here. And it is now. And this moment must be encountered as itself - by you, as yourself.
And this is the work and the play of being alive. For here at the ’emergence point’, the ‘leading edge’, as the teacher known as 'Abraham' has named it, you are creating the world by your responses and by your acts. And your acts will be reflections of your own iterating uniqueness. And this must be understood. (Amy has underlined the phrase 'your own iterating uniqueness' so that we may return to expand it more fully.)
The world is as you make it. And you make the world as you are.And yes, the world is already here and yes, the world is real. The world that you experience now, in present time, was created for you by all that came before, including you, in each moment before this one.
And now it is your turn to do your part to engage this world that was made for you and to make the world for the next encounter. And by ‘next encounter’, we mean the next moment, which will create the moment after that. For one thing leads to another in a never-ending flow of emergence, unfolding from the endless source, the flow.
And there is so much here to say – so much to show you and we struggle to find the imagery that does not overwhelm Amy in the telling/in the showing for as we tell, in our enthusiasm, we flow/move the energy faster and the faster it moves, the faster she must move to engage and process it.
The more efficiently she must capture it and bring it over the line from thought to word/image and she becomes concerned that she will miss something and her concern clouds the transmission.
And we are new to our work together – she and we – and we are each learning the way of the other. In this work together, when we stop to feel for the comfortable speed and density of the flow, this activity becomes a part of the message because, dear reader, this is your work, as well. For while our message flows through Amy today, it flows also to you and through you.
And as we flow with Amy, we are also flowing with the many who will come to read and partake with us in the field of this message. For you have called this message into form - and toward you - by your curiosity and your own questions. This message is timeless and will be received in its fullness, no matter when it is received (or read).
This message is intended to support your engagement with the flow (in your own way) and your ease in aligning your vibration with the vibratory pattern of the one song, the one bell. And this alignment will help you to find clarity in your point of reflection. Which is to say that it will be easier for that which you are to meet itself in the flow of the world. For in this meeting you find the point of bliss – and in this bliss, you will find the still point of perfect love and peace.
The point of bliss, once practiced, naturally evolves to become the point of stillness, clarity and certainty. As you practice, you will rest inside of the still point (the field of stillness) more and more easily. And once practiced, the still point will become the point of radiance.
Simply put: You will become accustomed to bliss and you will come to rest there in stillness - without worry or concern. As you rest there in bliss, quietly, easily, you will naturally begin to radiate who and what you are: perfect love and peace.
You are a point of perfect love and peace. And this is our message today: When you follow your bliss, you will find your bliss. When you rest in your bliss, by holding yourself in concert with its patterns (vibratory frequency) you will come to stillness. From stillness, you will experience a quiet, settled certainty and out of this, bliss becomes your way.
When bliss becomes your way, you stop searching – the search is over. There is only bliss and bliss is everywhere. And joy occupies you and you occupy joy. And you become that which you already are and always were: the point of radiance, of perfect peace and love. And from this ever-unfolding point you make the world.
By your radiance, you make the world.
And so we ask you now: What world would you make, if you were the world maker? For this is the truth: you do make the world. And you are standing with this truth and with us, as if we were overlooking a grand vista. And together we are seeing this: that what radiates from you now makes the next moment, which is the result of this moment flowing into the next, and in this way, this world makes the next.
This world makes the next world. As such, all that you see, all that you feel and experience is a result of that which you have made – by flowing from moment to moment. And as you look upon this world that you have made, it is as it is, and as such, it is good.
It is as it is. And as such, it is good.
How would you have it in the moment after this? For here is where we introduce free will. For you are always free to choose the world you would make. For there is always unfolding and always potential for change. Nothing remains the same but the one, unchanging song.
The noticing and the blessing
So there is the noticing what is here – and blessing it. And then, there is the choosing how you would have it in the moment after this.
As you meet and experience the world that you have made in the last moment, can you bless it as you look upon it? Can you include it in the good, just as it is? Can you look upon the world that you have made and, without condemning it, without separating what is before you from blessing, can you state your preference for the next moment?
This will be a challenge, we know, for you are unaccustomed to blessing what you do not like; and trained to condemn and exclude the ways that you do not prefer. And so we offer this exercise:
Exercise: Blessing what you have made
Look at the world that you have made. Begin with this room. Notice what name you have given to this room. Is it good or bad? Beautiful or ugly? Cozy or cold? Spacious or cluttered? Listen within for the name you assign to this room. Is this name a blessing or condemnation?
This name is a boundary you have placed around this room and you hold this room within the field of that name by your attention to the name you made. It is a binding. Notice how you feel when you hold this room inside the field of this name. Let the name dissolve. What other name is possible? How do you feel when this room rests inside this new, possible name?
Look at this relationship. Notice what name you have given to this relationship. Is this name a blessing or condemnation? Notice how you feel when you hold this relationship inside the field of this name. Let the name dissolve. What other name is possible? How do you feel when this relationship rests inside this new, possible name?
Look at this world. Notice what name you have given to this world. Is this name a blessing or condemnation? Notice how you feel when you hold this world inside the field of this name. Let the name dissolve. What other name is possible? How do you feel when the world rests inside this new, possible name?
As you look at this world, together with others, what world do you see? What name do you apply to this world? A name of blessing or a name of condemnation.As you stand in this world that you have named, notice what world this is. Is this a world of fear and separation or is this a world of love and blessing?
As you name the world, so the world, in this moment, is created beneath your feet. Is this the world you would choose? Is this the name that you would prefer to give to the world?
Completed on this day of 4-19-16
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As the guides have shown me, the more we engage with the work, the more the work expands in us and around us.
As I review the Flow Materials, I am increasingly attuning (again) to their message and frequency. As a result, I am rethinking all of my offerings for 2023.
I want everything that I offer to say: You are welcome here.