Flow 4-19: You are the Namer. What world will you choose?
If the namer is standing in the world of fear and separation, she or he will offer a different name than one who stands in the world of love and wholeness.
As the Namer experiences the world, so she/he will name the world. As the world is named, so it will follow its name. For this is the way of this world – and it is true for the one and the many. For as you draw your own awareness to any named thing, you are adding to its presence before you.
As you add to its presence, by the energy of your attention to it, so the object of your attention expands in your view.
When your news reports draw attention to an event in the world, and each in attendance gazes upon this thing, so his or her attention is added to that news item. As attention (which is energy) is added to anything, that thing expands. And so, if you do not understand this effect, you point to this thing which has expanded and you say: Oh, no! This thing is expanding, and in your concern, you will add more attention to it!
(And Amy is offering, as an example, the way that a post on social media will grab the attention of millions of people and that post will expand – in reach and in impact. And the one who posted it will find himself or herself expanded in the gaze of the world, with more ‘reach’ – more ability to create effects in the world.)
Yet even more important is the impact of your attendance to the names of things – and to the worldview (perspective) of the namer (the one who names) for the namer can only choose names from the world she can see, he can see.
If the namer is standing in the world of fear and separation, she or he will offer a different name than one who stands in the world of love and wholeness.
Perspective shapes the name – the name shapes the world.
Once a thing is named, others will turn their gaze to it and, as they allow that name to define its field (and therefore, its intention and its effects) they will add ‘power’ to that name by their agreement with it. In other words, by their attention to a name, they add to its expansion. So, the more attention/attendance is offered, the stronger that name will become and the more real it will seem.
Each name will hold the impression of that world inside of which it was named. Each name will echo from the DNA of the world in which it was made. If the namer believes this is a world of fear and suffering, he will name all that he encounters from that perspective.
As he walks the street, he will 'name' each person a potential threat. As he enters the park, he will scan for danger: the backpack, left by a tree could be a 'bomb'; the rumbling beneath his feet 'an earthquake'. And when this person watches television, every news story will be named as 'evidence' that the world is going to hell. He will feel afraid and wonder whether he needs more locks on the door - or even, a gun, to protect himself from the world of fear he inhabits.
Now, it is not that these things that he's encountered were not real but that the point of view from which he experienced them - a world of fear - has skewed his perspective.
And a different Namer may experience these same real things completely differently. When the Namer feels safe and protected in the world, she will tend to experience people, not as 'potential threats' but 'potential friends'. At the park, she will link the backpack against the tree, not to a 'bomb' but to the father, lifting his daughter onto a swing.
Feeling the rumbling beneath the sidewalk, she won't think 'earthquake', she'll think 'subway', an everyday occurrence in the city. And when she turns on the television, she won't see the news story as 'evidence that the world is going to hell,' but as 'evidence that people are afraid' and she'll wonder why the members of the news media do not seem to understand that the more they frighten people, the more fearful people will become.
The one who sees (and names) the world as whole will see and name violence as the result of suffering and she will tend to hold the violent offender inside the field of blessing, in need of care and healing.
The one who names the world as hell, will see violence as the result of evil, and she will tend to hold the violent offender in the field of punishment, banishment, incarceration and even, death. For the one who experiences the world this way can only see threat: threat to safety, to security, to property. Threat from competition. Threat from disease and illness. When there is only threat, the only response can be defense. While the one who experiences the world as love can see only love. And when there is only love, the only response can be love.
This is why it matters which world a Namer stands in as she looks around the room. She will name what she can see. She will respond to the name that she assigns to that.
Choose your Namers carefully.
Notice which world the Namers that you follow are standing in. Is this the world you would make? Is this the world you would choose? If not, re-turn to the only one who can name the world where you live: you. Re-turn to the only Namer who knows the truth: your own nature, which is always Love.
This is the dilemma faced by every human being today. A dilemma which proffers an invitation: You are the Namer. What world will you choose? What world are you standing in as you make that choice—the world of fear, full of threats and enemies or the world of love, full of support and blessing?
On this day of 4-19-2016
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THIS. Oh, this. It resonated so deeply. Thank you! I'll have to read it again - but I nodded, seeing myself as the Namer who feels the subway - lol - thank you! xoxo