All of life is dreaming
All beings share the dream of the created world. It is only the human who has exited the dream that all beings share - and he is/she is very lonely in this illusion of separation.
To you, the reader of this work: Thank you. Because you are there, listening, I am here, (finally) releasing The Flow Materials into view. Because of this, as I review these teachings, I am receiving their blessings all over again. What a profound gift this is for me. Thank you for calling it through.
In this photo, which was taken during the time when the Flow Materials began to flow, I am sitting on my yoga mat in my little office at Bellans in Orangeburg, NY.
In the background, there’s a painting my mother made, imagining me as a ten-year-old child, surrounded by light. I used to be baffled and even, a little embarrassed by this image. Looking at the painting today, I feel seen. I see a child who experienced the world as a blessing. I see joy. I see appreciation and gratitude. I see a ten-year-old girl offering and receiving blessing from a world of love.
I wanted to share that self-realization with you today, as I offer the next piece of the Flow Materials.
You are not fallen. You are held in our protective embrace, which is another name for Grace.
I wake up mid message:
If you are dreaming it now it is here with you now. The ‘future’ is not real. It is a label you use to rename things. The mind is a lighthouse, turning toward resonance with what you are. Wherever you look, you will see what you are.
With these words, there is an image: A circle with a point at center, and two smaller circles inside. One circle contains a heart. The other, a dollar sign.
What you focus on is the center out of which you will live. Love or money. You choose this with your attention. Where are you looking: at love or at money? This is what you are and what you will be.
The emergence of this dream into your now is the invitation to make your choice. Love or money? Turn toward that now. The choice is up to you. Neither is good. Neither is bad. Only choose. And draw that image to you through the veils of the world of forms.
And this will be our message today. For the future is an illusion, a projection that you create/generate and place outside the field of now, when an emergence occurs that you feel incapable of integrating.
Regret of past events is same. There is no past and all that happened before led to this moment. Move your attention here, for all emergence happens now, in present time.
Allow the gradual release of disbelief, uncertainty and unwillingness. Allow emergence to occur. Allow something to emerge from nothing. Allow all that you envision to take form in present time, literally out of the blue.
There is a ringing sound. It calls me to raise my vibration, to reconnect with ‘the field of the message’. I find myself distracted about this name. Wondering: Is ‘the field’ an accurate name for this bearer of this message? Is it a place or is it a being? An angel? Several angels speaking as one? For some reason this question seems important today. The Flow stops as I ponder it. Suddenly, I’m reminded of Alice O. Howell’s book, The Web in the Sea, wherein I first learned of “Sophia’s Game,” a playful, relational ‘game’ in which Sophia (who is not a goddess but the presence of wisdom in everything) invites us to find Her. Winks, signs, inklings, dreams. These are Sophia’s calling cards. She whispers us awake. Then, she calls us out into the world where, when we engage with her game, we find Her hidden in plain sight, everywhere, infused into all creation.
Yes. This is that self-same messenger, the ‘one’ who guides you in session with a client, the one who delivers dreams that transform your understanding; the one who guides and draws your attention to signs. The one who is everywhere and always ready to engage with you. You need only to rise - no, you need only to expand, to open more spaciousness between things. To flow faster, lighter, higher frequency energy, which is, in its qualities, more spacious and less dense. More is possible inside of this field, and flow can move and be moved more quickly and directly and the world is less fixed and more mutable, and easier to work with.
Which is to say that matter is less fixed and is, therefore, more flexible, more... negotiable. Inside of this field, you have more say in how things go and where they end up. Your gaze is less controlled by the wiring in the house of the collective psyche and more liberated to its own ‘house’.
In working with clients, I have observed that some people dream while asleep and others, especially those who tell me, “I don’t dream,” have big, symbolically meaningful experiences with their eyes open. And now the message field is telling me:
All beings dream, for dreaming is necessary. Dreaming is the activity of consciousness, the realm of mind activity where all beings dwell. All beings are dreamers - including the rabbit, the sheep, the fox, the bear, all beasts - and all beings share the dream of the created world.
It is only the human who has crossed over, exited the dream that all beings share - and so, as the human moves through these early stages of awakening, he/she is often very lonely. For they are still in the illusion/dream of separation from the one wholeness.
All of your mythologies reflect this.
In your dream of banishment from paradise (Judeo-Christian), in your dream of dismemberment (Egyptian), in your modern dreams (movies, stories) of abduction by alien beings and, in the more common dream that you are being controlled by outside forces, such as government, corporations, media.
These are the illusions you collude in (and strengthen) when you transfer your attention and your will into the hands of another.
Wake up now to the truth: You are free and this world - the whole world is of your own making. And Amy is re-minding us that, for some readers, this may not be a comforting realization. We understand that pure freedom after a time of captivity may be dreamed by you as ‘a fall’ from the protective field of grace.
Yet you are not fallen. You are held in our protective embrace, which is another name for Grace.
The protective field of grace holds all - even those condemned to the illusion of ‘the fallen’.
And there are many layers to this awareness and as we reveal them to Amy she grows concerned that she is skipping over great chasms of explaining - as a needle on record player skips over several grooves on the disk; or as a digital tape seems to blank out sections and pick up again. In other words, we are flowing faster than she can follow. And yet, we say:
1. All is well, and
2. You can keep up, and
3. Amy is not personally responsible to deliver every drop of sacred elixir to you.
We will get our message to every reader of this work for our message, in truth, is more vibratory than informational.
We have said, and you have seen, that our message is not words in a book but is, rather, attunement to a field of love and peace. And any missing pieces the reader perceives may be called for and the field will bring clarity directly to the one who calls.
Our message is a field and you are already there. You need no words nor additional information to enter. For you have always had this understanding, this knowledge. It is encoded into you by your existence in this world - all creation dreams and this is the field of dreams and dreaming. For this is the way of all beings.
Messengers like Amy are pathfinders, pioneers who lead the way, who translate the signal so all may enter the kingdom, the queendom, the field of love and blessing.
All of your messengers are echoing this song. Ringing this bell. All of your messengers through time immemorial have echoed, sung and rung this vibration - in a chorus of endless music: the whole world is singing. They are the instruments and you are re-membering the song. For you were born singing it, born knowing it. You have always had this knowledge and this book is but a re-minder to welcome you home.
All of life is dreaming. All of life is singing. We are one. We are one. One chorus, with many voices, each singing its part. One book, with many pages, layers of story, each adding its chapter. One song, with many voices, all sung at once. One hive, buzzing with activity, with awareness of the dream which all share. One dreamer, awakening.
Photo by David Mao on Unsplash
I am so grateful for your presence here with me today.
Thank you for coming along.
xxoo Amy
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