Transmuting Fragility to Power.
Allowing divine order to weave you into the wholeness of Grace. A Soul Call Card reading - which is also a kind of workshop
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This post is long. That’s because it’s not really a post - it’s a workshop. A complete Soul Call Card reading and a step-by-step guide to lead you through it. If this doesn’t interest you, go ahead and skip this one.
If you want to continue, yay!
Join me as I ask a question and receive a deeply moving and meaningful response.
Note: If you want to follow along with your own deck of Soul Call Cards, go here to download (free) your own printable deck.
If you want to learn to read the Soul Call Cards yourself, join the wait list here to be notified when I do a class.
Okay, let’s go!
A Soul Call Card reading is a snapshot of the present moment. Though today’s reading is clearly about me and a situation I’ve been going through, you may find themes that resonate in your own journey. Every reading is for the questioner, the reader - and for the world.
This is because we are all inside of the same field of energy. Right now, the world is going through some changes, big movements of power, shifts in energy and reinvention which are affecting all of us on macro and micro levels.
This diagram, made by Certified Intuitive Soul Call Card Reader, Angela Ressa, is a ‘Cheat Sheet’ depicting the positions in a Nine-Square reading, like the one below.
Note: You can do a quicker, simpler reading with as few as two or three cards.
For the full nine-square reading, it will help you to know…
A reading is built two cards at a time - the cards work in relationship to one another.
Each position in the reading has a particular job to do. (They’re depicted in Angela’s Cheat Sheet and explained in detail below.)
Today’s Reading
This is the full reading I did last week. We won’t be including the extra cards around the edges in this reading. They are part of the advanced Intuitive Soul Call Card Reader Program. So, let’s zoom in, isolating the part of the reading we’re focusing on today.
We’ll begin by matching up the cards in the left column to the cards in the right column, skipping the center column (at first).
So, let’s Read the first two cards together.: GLASS + CROWN
See if you sense a general theme. I got these:
- The Fragility of Sovereignty
- The Transparency/Vulnerability of Power
So, even without knowing my question, you already have a sense of what the reading might be about…
The Question (Questioner)
All readings begin with a question which arises out of an inner or outer call; a hunger to have, to be, to know or to do something. This card points to the state of mind (or heart) of the client/questioner. In this reading, I am the questioner so the reading will be personal for me and it will be a general reading for all involved.In the Soul Call Cards Guidebook, GLASS is defined like this:
Glass Transparency. Invisible barrier. Fragile yet rigid.
A clear, hard veil between inside and outside, Glass carries themes of transparency and rigidity, fragility and protection from the elements. Glass is the invisible, yet protective barrier in our windows, strong but easily shattered. (Opposite: Opaque.)This gives a hint of how to think about the single words in the Soul Call Cards deck. Now we can reflect: What does GLASS in this position tell us?
Reflection: I come to the reading feeling fragile, too visible. My shields are down - masks off. I feel unprotected, transparent. This reading is about identity, egoic dissolution. The stories I used to protect myself are collapsing.
Invitation: CROWN
This is the invitation which called the reading (and the question) into form.
We return to the Guidebook, where CROWN is defined:Crown
Sovereignty, glory, achievement, ascension, entitlement.
We crown queens and kings, celebrities and athletes, politicians
and CEOs. Crown suggests royalty and inheritance, ascendancy, achievement and the rise to power. May refer to the top of the head or the crown chakra. Crown shares its root with crone and this card may point to the ‘Crown of Age’ and the moment when we cross from midlife into our wisdom years to become a Wise Woman or Wise Man, crowned with experience. (Opposite: No agency. Disconnection from the source of power.)Now we can reflect: What is this card in this position pointing to?
Reflection: I feel as if I am getting old - and instead of ascending to ‘cronedom’, I am losing my connection to power - to spiritual authority. I feel, in my body, a loss of energy. I feel more tired than usual - as if some inner healing or maintenance work is using my reserves. It feels like it’s time for me to crown myself Wise Woman. I feel silly doing that for myself. Shouldn’t someone else do that for me?
As you can already see, the cards in positions 1 and 2 are having a conversation about fragility and sovereignty, identity and how we source our personal power.
As you read the next two cards ANGEL + SACRED together, what themes emerge? Invisible Power and Support.
Combined with the first two cards, we have: The vulnerability of power supported by invisible power. Interesting, no?Support: ANGEL
What supports the Questioner? What supports the situation, for better or worse. This card in this position may point to a skill, talent, friend, coach or confidante. It may be something less obvious like… a sense of spaciousness, a feeling of being whole, a particular food or experience to nourish your body, mind or soul.
From the Guidebook:Angel
Messenger. Being of Light. Deva. Shining One.
A loving and protective guardian. A celestial miracle-maker devoted to your safety, happiness and peace. The Angel card carries the shimmering lightness of grace. It may point to a life-changing (or life-saving) person, animal or situation or prompt you to ask for help. Remember: The angels are bound by the law of free will and cannot intervene without your permission. When this card appears, know that the forces of light are with you. Angels are everywhere — and not all of them have wings. (Opposite: Lack of support, feeling alone)Reflection: Seeing the ANGEL card in this position gave me instant relief. I am reminded that I am not alone - that support is always here. It make me chuckle a little, reminded that I forget to lean into that support and use it as a source of power. I am also reminded that it’s there, even when I forget.
Irritant/Seeds of challenge: SACRED
The card in this position may represent an irritating thought, symptom, person or feeling. The card may point to something in the Questioner or the situation. Read it, first, in relationship to the card it supports: CROWN.From the Guidebook:
Holy. Venerated. Infused with divine light, wisdom or grace. Set apart as special. When we hold something sacred — a place, a doctrine, a vow — or even, a cow, we honor and protect it. We sweep the floors of the sanctuary, we honor our wedding vows, we defend the Constitution. We light candles and whisper prayers, performing time-honored rituals, and yet, the Sacred card asks: Do your actions in the world align with your principles? What do you hold sacred? What is worthy of your devotion and protection?Reflection: This reading is not about fame or fortune. We’re talking about the ‘crown of sacred authority’, a phrase which has been much on my mind as I wrestle with owning and claiming my own power - and what inner resources and credentials I need to help me launch my new School of Magic and Miracles. Are my credentials grounded in reality?
I notice that even as the ANGEL card supports the questioner, it is in relationship with the SACRED card. At this point in the reading, it’s clear that the questioner (me) is having a crisis of faith. Her faith is in her own spiritual authority (SACRED CROWN) feels fragile (GLASS) supported ‘only’ by her relationship with the angels. Can she trust that alone?
Wise readers will already have noticed that the card at the center of this reading is GRACE - and we will get to that, for this reading is now clearly pointing to my own doubt about my claim to spiritual authority.
Reader, you may be experiencing similar doubts about your work. This reading goes wide and deep, speaking to the question of gatekeepers to power: Who grants anyone the authority to do their work? Who grants personal, spiritual, civil authority? Who is the gatekeeper in your story of power? What ‘angel’ guards and supports the sacred pillars of your work in this world?Read the bottom cards together, going through the same process.
To me, this says: Acknowledging Miracles makes them real —to you (They are already real but if you can’t see them, can’t admit they happened, you can’t claim them, can’t trust them to support what you know is real.)Foundation: MIRACLE
This is the ground on which the situation/challenge is built. The card in this position lays the foundation for emergence of an answer in position 6. It may be a strong desire, a longing for something quite specific - a certain job, an increase in cash flow, a new love. It may be a foundational belief (or lack of belief) in something or someone. The card in this position might also present as evidence, proof.
From the Guidebook:Miracle
Extraordinary. Unexpected. Unpredictable and inexplicable according to the known laws of nature and science. An act of divine will which interrupts the flow of everyday life, bringing joyful results: a cure, a breakthrough, a coincidental meeting, an unexpected grace. Miracles amaze and delight us, leaving behind a residue of light — and wonder.Reflection: In this position, MIRACLE supports ANGEL - and you could say that what makes angels solid enough to support me is their ability to perform miracles.
Emergence/Answer: WIND
The Soul Call Card spread is built on the understanding that every question emerges with its answer. The card in this position is pointing to the likely emergence - if things remain the same - at the end of this journey.
From the Guidebook:
Wind symbolizes the invisible forces of change, for better or worse. Wind freshens the atmosphere, topples the lawn chairs, and chases papers across the lawn. Wind powers turbines, messes hairdos and sends sailboats skimming across the water. Wind moves through the world with a breezy disregard for our plans. Wind spirals into hurricanes and twists into tornadoes. This card may also shape shift into wind’s other meaning: to twist or turn, as in a ‘winding path,’ or the‘winding’of a clock.Reflection: When the questioner’s faith in the angels is unsupported by faith in the miracles she has already seen, their miracle power (and her own) is as meaningless as the wind. Without the pillar of grounded solid faith beneath the CROWN, the sacred cannot actualize. It is nothing but wind.
Come to the Heart card now.
Heart: GRACE
The heart card is the center of the constellation of the reading. This card represents the soul call, the irritant inside of the questioner, which has called together the reading.From the Guidebook:
Unplanned, unanticipated divine gifts.
You don’t have to earn this love. You don’t have to do anything. Grace is freely given. Echoes of divine intervention, sacred interruption, redirection, synchronicity. (Opposite: No surprises. Nothing without a price.)
Reflection: it’s all in the Guidebook notes above. I don’t have to earn this love - or this credential. Grace is already here, and like a magnet, GRACE has called me to this work, and crowned me with a clean, clear love, free of expectations.
Read the cards in the corners as if they are reaching for one another through the GRACE card.
GLASS reaching for WIND:
When faith is fragile, Grace flows by like wind, unnoticed.
MIRACLE reaching for CROWN:
Miracles were necessary to establish the crown of faith. Faith is necessary now to establish the courage to emerge into view.Reflection: With Grace at the center, miracles return to reality - we see and acknowledge them which moves us back to sovereignty and, most important in this reading, back to faith in our own credentials (built on the truth of what we have seen and experienced).
Come to the last two cards. One above and one below the heart card.
The card in this position draws the energy of the heart card upward, while also bridging the energy of the cards in the top row.Reflection: The Heart Supported by a Map, the invisible weaving of Grace
Now Grace rises to be woven into the space between GLASS and CROWN. Simply put, Grace is the weaver. Grace mends the broken threads.
Lower Bridge: MAP
The card in this position supports the heart card while also bridging foundation (miracle) to emergence (wind).
Reflection: A map, divine order, supports the heart.
Final Step
Take the reading all the way by interpreting the SQUARE (of the four corners) and the DIAMOND (the NSEW points) of the nine square.
For me, this says: Transform your crown from fragility (afraid to be vulnerable) to transparency (willing to be seen) by allowing the sacred flow (wind) of miracles into your life.
For me, this says: The angels are weaving a sacred map around you. It is made of miracles. Allow yourself to witness how the angels weave you into the map of the sacred.
If you’ve made it this far… wow! Thank you - what a journey we’ve taken together.
If you have any questions or thoughts to share about this reading - or about the Soul Call Cards, I’m listening and always happy to hear from you.
I invite you to print out a free set of Soul Call Cards and start playing. You can get that here and, while you’re there, if you want to download the Digital Guidebook, you can get it for $10.
PS About those extra cards, arranged inside of purple Vs around the nine square:
Adding extra cards to a reading builds and strengthens the message of the reading. I’ll be covering that and more in my Advanced Intuitive Soul Call Card Reader Certification program, coming up in the fall. I’ll keep you posted.
If you’re already using the Soul Call Cards in your personal or professional work, I’d love to hear from you. I’m putting together a circle to meet now and then. If you’d like to participate, let me know.
**Note: The date of this workshop, originally July 10th, has changed since the newsletter went out.)
Until then, I wish you love and so many blessings.
~ Amy
Did a bee land on GRACE? Oooh.. so much there. Beautiful cards.