Angels talk to me. I write down what they say.
Stepping onto the pathway of love is so simple that it almost seems impossible.
It seems so simple. Angels talk to me. I write down what they say. I wake up and read it. This is the entire process.
Listen and acknowledge. Ask and expect an answer. Reach out and when someone reaches back, connect.
Sometimes, often, I doubt it. This can’t be real. I set it aside and don’t think about it for a while. Other times, I know that it’s real - and I’m amazed.
After the doubt, I had to get through layers of self-inflation. The thought that I was special or chosen or ‘called’. Had to understand (and accept) that the fact that I hear angels doesn’t mean anything about me. I’m just like anyone else. I’m just listening. I’m just made this way. I hear them.
So do you - but in your way. As an inkling. As an inner tug at your awareness that guides you to take or quit the job, to quit or keep the relationship. You know it when you feel it. Gut instinct. Intuitive knowing. Maybe something in a dream or when you’re walking in a forest. Maybe you’re driving and a car pulls in front of you and its license plate or bumper sticker is a specific and pointed response to a question you posed inside your head. All of this happens. All the time. To everyone. Including you.
The magic happens when you notice it. When you acknowledge it. When that inner knowing is honored - is cultivated. Is gathered in a notebook or an altar or a basket where you put things like miracles on the corner of your desk.
Love speaks to us steadily - one illuminated experience, one feather, heart shaped stone, one wake up call at a time.
For me, when the tipping point arrived, I surrendered. I don’t remember the moment when I just knew that angels were real. I do remember that it didn’t happen right away. At first, I wrestled all night long. At first, I ran in the opposite direction. At first (and there were many such firsts) I argued and hid and lied to myself about what was happening.
And then, finally, I realized what angels actually are - not people with wings - but pure light, pure message, pure Love and I began to understand how it all works. How a tree could speak to me. How a bird or cloud or song on the radio might be a sign that I was not alone, that I was being noticed - actively, actually, intentionally - by someone/something that cared.
Someone/Something that was listening. Someone/Something that was responding. Once I realized this someone/something was in everyone/everything, well that was it for me.
Look, whatever opens your heart, whatever touches you with spirit shivers, that’s your way. That’s light flowing to you through the most available portal. A baby’s giggle, a math problem, a painting. Like I said, it’s everywhere. The energy of Love itself, available to everyone. No matter what we’ve done or haven’t done in the past. No matter where we think we’ve disappointed the gods. None of that is real inside the field of Love.
I call this field different names. One of these names is “The Response Layer” - I made up that name. I’m trying to find a way of explaining that we are embedded into a reality that responds to us. Another name that I call this field of love and blessing is Nature, another name is God.
The point is: we live inside of it. The point is: it loves us. Our job (if we have a job) is to notice and connect.
How to notice and connect:
When you feel something, do something.
Acknowledge, I see you. Write down what they tell you - or, if you’re just beginning, write down what you think that they might be telling you. Like, if I believed this was a message, what might it say? If I trusted that there is a force of love and it is right here with me - right now - what might it want me to know?
Then, listen. Place your pen on the page and let the message flow. As the message arrives, engage with it. Ask questions. Challenge what seems strange or out of alignment. Ask the flow to clarify, amplify until you are certain - this is real.
Begin where you are. Doubtful. Curious. Hopeful. Whatever.
It may not make sense at first that this simple activity is the pathway to peace. It doesn’t have to make sense. Let it not make any sense at all.
Only connect - and then, connect again. Connect constantly.
This is the way.
Over time, you will see it and you will quiet inside. You will shift from drama and trauma to presence. You will shed your cloaks of overwhelm and dread and, one connection at a time, you will ease into freedom.
From fear to ease. From anxiety to silence inside. From stress and worry to constant steady peace.
This is the journey on the pathway of love.
This post is an invitation to my new blogging project: The Flow Materials, where I’m releasing the notes from my personal journals.
You can read about my current offerings here.
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You can learn more about the guides here.
As ever, I am grateful for your interest in this work.
However we connect, I wish you love and blessings.
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