You are designed to make imagined things into real things
This is what is meant when your teachers say: You are made in the image of your creator. It means that you are the birthplace of joy. You are the image maker. You create the world in which you live.
A quick note to subscribers: In a recent post, I mentioned there were some missing pieces. This is one of them - in fact, the next few posts will be out of order. The Flow comes through in it’s own order but I am not always ready with notebook in hand to capture it. There are times when I sit down with my pen and paper and whoosh, in it flows. Neat. Organized. Other times, I’m out in the world, driving or lying on a yoga mat or walking in the woods, and whoosh. I grab whatever paper or recording device is at hand and get down what I can. I trust that you’ll move through the jumble with me. :) Once the book is assembled, the puzzle pieces will be set in order and you’ll see how it all fits together. In the meantime, thank you for following along!
And this is the expression of enthusiasm, of being filled with the joy of God/of the Divine, for the Divine is joy, is radiance, is holy. And in our presence you know yourself as joy and worthy of joy and worthy of summoning our presence as joy.
Here, we re-turn you to the image of your 3-D printer, for these inventions are out-picturings of what the human being can and will be. As the 3-D printer takes an image and makes it into an object, you too have the ability to make images real - to “out-picture”, meaning that you can draw into form the images you envision.
You are designed to make imagined things into real things. This is what is meant when your teachers say: You are made in the image of your creator. It means that you are the birthplace of joy. You are the image maker. You create the world in which you live.
Now, this is not to say that you created the earth and the stars. These things, and all of the living world, including life itself, are gifts of the Creator, freely given and all for you. Yet every day you re-create it all. By your response to it, by your experience and recognition of the world around you, you re-make the world.
And THIS conversation - here and now - is the conversation that expands the world. For we are here with you and you are here with us and together we are engaging and enjoying the elaboration of new things. We are opening our box of words and names together and looking inside. So, when we said earlier that this is a process which will help you, Amy, to write your own books, this is what we meant. For you will learn and be en-trained by what we do here. Trust your own curiosity knowing that it will always lead to joy.
When you follow joy, there is less doubt
Amy is stopping the flow to ask a question. She has noticed from the start of this project that when we are here with her she has no doubt in herself or in what is being said. She feels certain of our message, makes very few distortions and virtually no crossing out of words or loop overs in thought. And she is curious about this and asking us to elaborate.
And we say to her: This is a joy-led conversation and it is training you to trust your connection to joy and to allow the energy to move without interruption. To trust your ability to listen for and receive joy and to ask of us all that you want to know. And to receive and to witness how your joy invites our joy to flow in this form.
We adore you and engage with you fully as this is the natural flow of love, expressing, now and here as joy, in writing. Joy is asking and answering. Joy is practicing the joy of being connected and holding connection to joy. Joy is here and you are here with joy and this is holy holy and all is well.
And this is the expression of enthusiasm, of being filled with the joy of God/of the Divine, for the Divine is joy, is radiance, is holy. And in our presence you know yourself as joy and worthy of joy and worthy of summoning our presence as joy.
And this is the teaching and the answer to so many of Amy’s questions, for she is always curious about communication and the creative process – and how thought crosses over into form, and how the world was and is made and being made.
It was easy and natural for the child (your husband) who would one day become an artist, architect, inventor and author to follow his joy by drawing the intricate cities which flowed through his imagination and to stage, inside of his drawings, imaginary battles and other engagements. And these childhood pursuits strengthened his interest and focused his attention on the things that he was naturally interested in. Through play, he learned skills that he will be using today even as he designs real buildings. It was then, and it is today, the same process: translating that which he sees in his imagination onto paper and working with others to translate what is on paper into 3-D. The drawings sent by the architect to the contractor/builder are made into real buildings. (A humorous thought occurs to us here that, in this scenario, the contractor/builder IS like a 3-D printer!)
This is what we mean when we say that when you follow your joy you will never get it wrong. Following joy means that you release concerns about 'What will I become?’ What does this mean?' and 'I must make plans' and instead, trust that there IS a plan and that it will lead you well. It will lead you as it has always led you. It will lead you well because it knows you – and because joy always follows joy. And by your interest and enthusiasm you will naturally attract same.
Now we have said earlier that angels are the loving thoughts of God and we invite you now to move into your day with this truth. Follow it with your curiosity. See where it leads.
And then, we invite you to return. Engage with us again, here in this connection of Love with Love, the birthplace, the emergence point of joy.
Received this day of 3-19 -2016
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Beautiful! Thank you.