Wherever you are, love is emerging there. Which is to say that love emerges where you are, through you.
And now we are here and this is the teaching: This is it. And by “this is it” we mean that this is the world of emergence everywhere.
This is a day of relief after a dark time. And we see that you are well and we are glad with you. This is emergence unfolding and your struggle is unnecessary. Now of course, you are always free to resist. we do not decide that for you. We do not decide these things. You do.
We are here, offering. You are here, opening. We are flowing. You are here listening. That is to say that there is no coercion. no forcing. no message trying to push itself through and forcing you into the chair.
This is the call of the opening heart as it is, ever here and everywhere. As you are attuning to its frequency, you can attune and attend to it ever more. That is what this is: the message of love awakening within you.
And so, the message of love awakening is the dream that guides your thoughts.
The dream guides your thoughts. Your thoughts guide your steps.
And this message is here because you called for it. And this message is love, awakening to and responding to your call.
You are love reaching for the love that reaches for you, always, eternally, ever after and before. And we are that love calling to you. And you are that love, calling to us. And all of it this is love, emerging, in this here and now, with you.
Wherever you are, love is emerging there - love emerges there by your allowance of it, by your recognition of it. Which is to say that love emerges through you.
And now we are re-calling the image of an inner fountain, a wellspring, as it were, endlessly bubbling, even as it bubbles over, spilling into a pool. And this pool is the world that you know, the world of love. And this fountain rests at the center of that world which is the center point of your own heart.
This is it. Wherever you are - that is the center point of love. And where else would it be?
Now this is hard to understand but we know that you will understand - and soon. For we have picked an able channel, one who is a poet and very good at translating image to form, ideas into works of art. She is from a line of poets and she is allowing us to write this, allowing us to acknowledge her gifts and who she is and what she may choose to do here and this is an opening. And this is good.
And so she and you can see an expansion, even in the few days since we began our transmission. She can feel and sense a willingness to allow herself to be as she is, to be what she is - a poet, helping us to expand our thought transmission into words which are also …. [searching for a word]…. pregnant… also embedded… with images. Words that are infused with images. Words that poets know the way they know how to breathe.
And this one is a poet. (And she likes this name. It is better, closer to vibratory resonance with who she feels herself to be. Better than channel and so be it and so it is. And so she is a poet as are we. All are poets, and working together to translate our message into form here and now.
As Amy types our words, she is looking at the image of a tiger on the wall. She is not looking at her fingers moving over the keys. She is not watching to be sure her hands are properly placed. She is trusting what her senses tell her - that her fingers are on the right keys. She can tell because she has been practicing typing for years.
And this is the teaching we will bring. Each of you has a thing that you have been practicing, a thing that supports your way of joy. To make the joy-led choice, you take your attention away from fear that you could ever get it wrong and simply attend to the thing that you do without looking, the thing that you trust yourself to do without looking, as Amy trusts her fingers to type. Move through your day - confident in that thing and in all other things, let joy lead your feet.
When joy leads your feet, you will choose the path that feels most alive. Aliveness is energy moving, aliveness is guidance and turning toward aliveness will alway lead to joy. Now, sometimes, yes, the joy-led choice may be an uncomfortable choice to make. Certainly when you are just beginning this practice, choosing toward joy may feel, awkward, even threatening. Yet when you look, what is really threatened? The way of not-joy.
And all of that is blessed for it is joy introducing itself to not-joy.
Joy introducing itself to not-joy
As joy introduces itself to not-joy, you will feel, at times, profoundly foolish, silly, and even, ridiculous. For you are stepping from the path of not-joy (where pursuit of joy is often ridiculed) onto the path of joy (where you do not yet know the terrain).
So, what does this look like? How do you begin the stepping away from not-joy?
Begin here: Step away from complaining, which is not joy. Step away from blaming, which is not joy. Step away from binding yourself and others to names of condemnation.
Yet as you step away, do not look back to condemn complaining, blaming or condemnation. Look forward - toward joy. Keep your gaze (and your heart) firmly focused on joy and let joy lead you with no thought of pushing anything or anyone away.
There is nothing to push away - nothing to dismantle. Simply step away, allowing all that is not-joy to flow from you without argument. For even not-joy is blessed. As you step away, all that is not-joy will flow behind you as you turn your attention to a new way - the path, the way of joy.
How do you find the way of joy? Ask joy to show you. Joy will lead the way.
How to ask: Close your eyes and ask for a vision of what a joy-led life would look like, would feel like. What would it BE like to live in joy, led by joy?
Ask and allow the image to appear to you.
Asking for an image is completely different from arbitrarily making an image yourself. This is not about deciding, Oh, I will conjure an image of myself as the richest man in the world or Oh, I will invent a story where I am wearing a diamond tiara and driving a Rolls Royce through my little town. (Though truly, if you really wanted any of these things, they would be within the range of your ability to create them.)
We are not talking about that kind of manifestation game. This is not about setting a goal out of your own limited view of what is possible. Your world has been playing that game far too long.
We are talking about opening your ability to envision a way that is richer and wider and deeper than you, on your own, can possibly imagine. A way led by joy, and not led by the accumulation of money or luxuries or fancy cars. This is a new way, a way that uses joy as the compass.
When you open and apply your capacity to imagine what you really want, you will find that beneath your desire for status symbols and luxuries there is a deeper desire - for the health and comfort of your body, for a sense of interior quiet, and the experience of being part of the wholeness of love - and these are the qualities of joy.
And so, we ask you: where is the location of joy? Is joy outside of you - in the Rolls Royce, the new house, the beautiful spouse? Or is joy inside of you, waiting to emerge? Are you willing to allow the emergence of joy where you are? Are you withholding joy from where you are by your conditions on joy?
And Amy is getting tired and we will take a break and she will drink green tea scented with jasmine because she saw herself drinking this while she was boiling the water - and so, even though it is her custom to reach for and consume black tea, when she saw herself drinking the jasmine tea, she saw that it was real and so it is - by her action.
And we will come now to this teaching because it is a core thing, a pivotal thing. A cornerstone (Amy searches for the word) of our teaching and of this book.
When you see something as real you are much more likely to perform action as if it were already real - as if it were just a few paces ahead and your action was drawing you toward it. If you can only see yourself as drinking black tea then the vision of you drinking jasmine tea will drift by like a blip on a radar screen. You may register a blip but you will not follow it. Why? because you do not expect to drink anything but black tea so a blip about jasmine tea won’t matter to you.
And here we underline that sentence: it won’t matter to you.
When you say, “This does not matter to me,” you are saying, in effect, this is not something that I will put my energy into. I won’t bother making it into matter - making it manifest.
This is a complex concept and we are introducing it early, as Amy got ahead of us a little bit. She can see our meaning and our trajectory, and in this transmission, she began to interpret with us and got us ahead of our intended stream.
This is the ‘problem’ she outlined in yesterday’s transmission, where she tries to take in the whole download at once and then to feed it back in the proper order. And all of this is good. And all of this blessed. And all is well. And we are here with you.
We will all get used to this in good time. All is well. And Amy is sipping her tea.
This completes the transmission of March 30, 2016
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Ahhh, Amy Oscar, you speak the language of my heart. This felt like taking a deep breath. Thank you.