“We do not ‘need’ you to bring our message through. We do not need you to help us with some project of healing or ‘saving the world’. These are concepts you made; they are not of us, and they do not represent our purpose. From our perspective, nothing is wrong – and nothing requires healing or saving. We are not here to fix anyone or anything. Rather, we are here to invite you and the readers of these words into the field of our message of love and peace. And as we have said, the way into this field is to follow joy.”
And we are here and we are calling you into our field, across an edge of unbelieving) into flow, into presence, into a state of embedded awareness. [‘embodiment’]
We call you across the threshold of your unwillingness to experience fully the world that you know is real. And you are afraid. You are afraid that people in your family will be uncomfortable with the changes in you. You are afraid that you are separating from ‘normal’. You are afraid that this project will isolate you and make you into a freak.
And yet, more and more, you are experiencing that our message is real. And so, you are torn, as if you are tearing apart and becoming two stories. As if you are standing with your feet straddling a widening chasm, a rift between two worlds. And we would remind you: there is only one world, the wholeness of all that is. And these worlds that you perceive yourself straddling are but two of an infinite number of dreams, all of which compose the wholeness and fullness of one world.
We have heightened your senses and you are feeling this now, more and more, as real. And the readers of our message will be feeling this, as well. For as they participate in our message their senses are heightened, as well. And this is good and all is well, even though it may feel uncomfortable at times, as you become accustomed to living at this heightened, in this higher, frequency state.
For several days, (since receiving the ‘Jesus message’) you tossed in sleep and worried this name would draw unwanted attention your way. For it is your nature to do your work in private and it is the nature of our message to draw attention and so, these things seem to be in conflict here and now.
You have felt the powerful pull of the gaze of the world before - when you sat in the editor’s chair at the magazine and the audience of the famous author turned toward the column that you shared. And you felt their attention on the work and, by association, on you. And this felt like a quickening in the air around you – and a pressure, as the energy was moving faster and bigger than you were used to.
Like being caught in a windstorm.
Yes. And the wind surprised and alarmed you then, until you got used to it. And we remind you that you DID get used to it. Yet now you are unwilling to make that sacrifice again. You are strongly boundaried in this way. That is your nature and we bless this with you now and we say, Be as you are: for it is your nature to live a quieter way.
And in the matter of the clarity and certainty of our message, we would re-mind you that just this morning, when you looked back through the manuscript, you had the experience of certainty. The concepts had tested true, which gave you a crystal clarity. What you wrote was true and good - and tested. This clarity is necessary and it is the result of this work that we are doing here together.
A note to the reader: In the past, Amy would asilence the connection between us by removing her attention and her willingness from the task at hand. Now, as she is experiencing herself as living within the field of our message, she is seeing that she is always with us and we are always with her. And this has always been the way. Yet when she was 'turned away' it was as if the volume was turned down, in the way that turning down the volume on a television puts the sound in the background. When the volume was 'low' enough, she could feel ease in what she perceived as ‘our demand’ for her attention yet it was 'loud' enough that she was still aware of our presence. We had not gone away. And she would check in with us at intervals, asking, “Are you there?” in her mind – touching in as one might reach into a pocket to be certain of a key or a lucky stone.
And we were there and we are here. Our presence is not a demand for attention – nor is the steady flow of our message a demand that she write it down. Our message is steady for it is our nature to steadily flow love and peace. Just as it is your nature to receive this flow as ‘a message’ when truly, it is simply our way. It is how the flow flows: steadily and without end.
It is our way to be here with you – just as we would ask you to re-member now that it is your way to be here with us. And this is why you reach into that pocket, this is why you are moved, by your own nature, to touch in with that key, that stone.
When we say that we are here with you, we are merely stating what is true. And so this feeling of ‘demand' that Amy experiences is not real. We will speak directly to Amy now and we will soften this, for this feeling of demand will be here as long as she believes that she is beholden to us or to our message.
Amy, we do not ‘need’ you to bring our message through. We do not need you to help us with some project of healing or ‘saving the world’. These are concepts you made and they are not of us, and they do not represent our purpose. From our perspective, nothing is wrong – and nothing requires healing or saving. We are not here to fix anyone – or anything. Rather, we are here to invite you and the readers of these words into the field of our message of love and peace. And as we have said, the way into this field is to follow joy.
The way into the field of our message of love and peace is to follow joy
And you are sensing our presence more strongly and more fully than ever before, you are experiencing it as real. As you get used to our presence, you will become accustomed to living inside of the field of our message (and our love). It will become second nature to you.
For it IS your nature to abide with us and it is our nature to hold you, inside of the field of our message of love and peace.
The world is as you are.
Amy is starting to notice that she is living inside of the ‘field of our message’. So we will stop and discuss this with her now and, Reader, it will be instructive for you, as well. For when you encounter our teaching/our message and it feels resonant, you will follow your own alignment to that and come into harmony with that and we will play together the song of that resonance, which is a field of resonance and not a binding - for you are free to follow or not follow; free to align or not align to our message of love and peace.
If it is your nature to follow you will feel a natural ‘call’ to follow and here we want to be clear that this ‘call’ comes from you - from within you - it is the call of your own source code and your own joy, recognizing itself in us.
It is not we who call, we simply stay, holding the pattern of our own joy. And if you are called by that, called toward that, this call is yours, it is from you. We welcome you to vibrate with us; we include you as you include yourself inside this field. Yet we have no requirement of you as you rest here. There is no pressure, no imposition of our ‘way’ upon you, no binding on your freedom.
From within the field of our message, Amy has the experience that our message is surrounding/holding her inside of itself and this is so, for as she holds herself WITH us, she is held BY us - in attuned alignment with us. And from within this field - this message, this song - the whole world seems lifted, brighter and faster... and so it is and will be as she has crossed into a new vibratory pattern and as its field holds her (and she holds herself there) the world re-constellates around her, to adjust to that pattern. Which is to say that the world will accommodate any pattern you hold.
And this is real and this is how it is and how it works and what we mean when we say, the world is as you are.
The world is as you are. The world is designed to meet you as you are. And this is the teaching of our message today and all days: the world is as you are. And that is the nature of the world field.
The World Field
We have introduced a new concept here and now: the World Field, the message which is held by the pattern holder(s) of Gaia the planet and Gaia, Herself. And this is a new concept and we will explain here and now - as Amy is moving into her day, we will guide her with examples and more flow so that she can introduce this to you clearly, for it will/we sense that it will feel foreign to you. And we bless this and can hold it as good.
We invite your feeling/sensing, your questions and doubts. For to fully see and know this and to live it, you MUST test it and discover for yourself that it is real. You must then make your choices, freely, deciding: Will I follow this? For you are free.