In the beginning, the mind, the first playground
The story of Genesis, as received on this day, from the guides
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This is confusing. I know. but I am a poet and I am using my poetry to explain something new to you - something I have just myself recently come to understand so I am going to ask you to stick with me as impressions become words on the page where you can see them and perhaps, understand.
I seem to be receiving lessons again. In my sleep. In the beginning, in dreams and waking impressions, the guides would show me words written in big block letters and diagrams, explaining things I was puzzling over in my waking life.
Later, there was a dream professor. He wore a white lab coat and had a flip chart, which he wrote on, tutoring me in the ways of things. He looked like Einstein. He led me through museums and laboratories. Everything felt important. Ancient.
The lessons went away. I lived. I worked. The lessons are back, I think.
For the past three nights, I have dreamed of marks on paper. An architect slashing lines to make a house. A dancer twirling across a paper floor, leaving footprints. A photo sliding out of a printer - marks on paper.
I didn't notice the repetition, the 'lesson' like quality of the dreams until last night. Oh, I see! I realized - the guides want to talk about how communication works. How language carries their message across the veil between us. As I realized this, I jumped up to record this before it got away.
The mind is the first playground. There, we move forms around. We move walls outward. We move walls inward. We establish space. We divide space, adding walls. We define these divided spaces, adding names. We remove walls, opening space between these named things. Naming is the first form that a child learns. Inside of the mind, the child learns to move words around forming sentences and meaningful phrases.
The mind is the first playground. We move forms around in imaginal space before we move them in physical space. Then, we… dream them, perhaps. Then, we wake up and move them in real life. A child involved in playing with blocks, for example, can build a whole world. Each block is a shape and, as the shapes are stacked and organized, the child can move things in her mind and then, move the blocks in response to what she sees in her mind. Just as words are seen first in the mind and then moved across the vocal cords into speech.The child can move the blocks with her hands, building a world. A body can move words with the voice, building a story. As the shapes are stacked and organized the child learns about space - and objects in space. She learns about her own power to make effects in the physical world. To change things. As thoughts are translated to speech, she is also learning about power. The power to name, to build and to change reality.
I can't explain why this is so important. Only that the lesson is about movement of thoughts through mind and objects through space … and the relationship between these two things.
The mind is the first playground. In the mind, we move walls outward, widening the space inside. This is the interior space, where the self plays inside the mind - as a child plays inside of her playroom.
Inside the mind, the self removes and moves walls. She widens and narrows the sense of spaciousness. She adds walls between this and that, dividing open space into two spaces. Removing the wall and returning two spaces to one.
This is the playground of the mind. Once we learn to move forms around in the mind, we take this skill and try it in physical space.
Sometimes a teaching comes in this way. Wisps of thought and I am left to gather the threads and begin to weave.
I sense that this teaching is about the space where consciousness plays and makes meaning. It’s about mind - and how we are both thinking and being thought. How we can imagine ourselves inside of the mind, even as we are watching, thinking and noticing where we are, who we are and what’s going on.
It’s about making changes on the interior (mind world) and translating those changes into choices on the exterior (real world) through our own movements. And how these movements are moved by, animated by thoughts.
As the sun rises and I sit by the window with my tea, I am watching thoughts move across the interior of my mind the way that I watch cars flow through the landscape outside my window. Impressions flow in and (somehow) they become words. How does this translation happen? How do I do it? How do you?
I am trying to demonstrate, in real time, what its like to think and what it is like to channel. And what it feels like to receive a message even as I receive it.
this is confusing. I know. but I am a poet and I am using my poetry to explain something new to you - something I have just myself recently come to understand so I am going to ask you to stick with me as impressions become words on the page where you can see them and perhaps, understand.
When the guides messages (pure consciousness) are flowing, they appears inside of my mind space as moving mists of color and light. Aurora Borealis. Sometimes. Kinda. I am (still) learning how to describe this.... as we, the guides and I, are still learning to transmit and receive information across the mind space.
This morning, the guides seem to want me to say is this:
The body is the first form and movement, the first mastery. Movement of the tongue and throat and lips to make sounds. Then, words are offered. Names of things. Mother, Bottle, Sister, Father. Names of feelings. Sad, Sleepy, Angry, Lonely. As names are added and added, language fills the space of the mind.
Before language, there was open space without forms. There was mind without words. Now there is space and forms floating through it. Now there is mind, crowded with words. Words which were built (somehow) out of movement and imagination into symbols, into bridges that we use to communicate with other … forms.
Wait. I get it. What I want to say is this: We are symbols.
We are symbols.
We are symbol makers.
We are symbol readers.
We made these symbols into language so we could share experience. So we could reach across the space between us and connect.
This is the genius. This is the human being as creation and creator. As metaphor.
The guides want me to say that we are poetry.
We are images, crossing out of the mind of God into the world of forms. Traced onto the paper of the planet.
We are - you and me - living breathing symbols of divine love.
And wow. I said that.
I got it out on the page.
That’s what the guides want you to know.
You are a symbol of divine love. An image, a creative expression, a mark on the page of creation. But you (and I) were something else first. An impression, a cloud of color mist, fluid and unformed. We were, each of us, born inside of the playground of the mind of God, a space without walls. And then, in the beginning, Divine Love divided this into that. S/He added a wall, making me into me and you into you. And then, somehow, we crossed over - into this world, together.
i don’t fully know how to explain this right now. but there it is. first mark on paper. A symbol about a symbol written by a symbol as the sun rises over the farm.
~ Written/Received this day of May 2, 2023
I am so grateful for your presence here. So moved every time I receive one of your notes or comments. Know that you matter to me - and your attention to my work means the world to me.
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Symbols=Language=Reaching Across the Space Between Us=Connection.
Well said!! Well said!! of the many things that spoke to me in this offering....Thank you.
SO beautiful and resonant. I love your process of translation and the amazing wisdom being shared through your GIFTS.