Inventory of Tenderness: a free meditation for you at the new moon
I was re-listening to it this recording of our first New Moon call when I had the thought to share it with you. I try to follow the promptings of my heart so, here it is - for you.
This is a recording of our first call - just two months ago, in June. Today, we had our third call. It was, like the others, a blessing to all who attended - especially me.
I love these calls and so, I wanted to make sure that if this is your kind of thing, you can experience it. I want you to hear my voice. I want you to experience the way that I teach. I want you to know that if you are called to work with me, you are welcome.
And I hope you’ll come visit with me in September.
This particular call includes a beautiful meditation in which we become the moon.
I do it myself when I want to settle my body and become spacious again.
So, take out your journal and begin. Listen as you make dinner this evening or as you drive to work tomorrow. Listen whenever you need to take an inventory of tenderness.
These monthly calls are open to everyone in my circle. They cost $18 a month.
You don’t need to subscribe to this blog or be a member of the School of Magic to participate but if you do, these calls are free.
Our next call is September 17th. Here’s the info/registration link.
If you’re interested in subscribing to this blog, it’s $6 a month.
You get the New Moon Gathering plus 10% off most of everything I offer.
Learn more/Subscribe here
If you’re interested in my new School of Magic (and miracles), it’s $28 a month.
You get all of the above, plus free workshops, and my entire Curriculum.
Learn more/subscribe here.
Happy third week of August! May you get to the sea. May your toes wiggle in water. May you inhale the fresh clean air. May you experience play and deep rest. The gifts of summer.
Much love
- Amy