Yes, life is hard right now. Yes, everything seems to be happening at once, moving faster. Even so, you can take a moment to return to your own heart. Walk with me to the edge of the water.
An open eyes meditation. A gift for challenging times.
Yes, life is hard right now. Yes, things are moving so quickly. Yes... and even so, you can take a moment to return to your own heart. Walk with me to the edge of the water.
Come, walk with me through the forest. Walk, inhaling the pine fragrant air. Walk until you come upon the blue lake of blessing.
Come to the edge of the water. Remove your shoes of responsibility, set down your backpack of worry. Come barefoot to the water.
Wade in. Feel the cool water welcome and come around you. Walk until the water encircles your waist.
Start swimming. Slowly. (Even if you don’t know how to swim.) Come out to the center of the cool blue lake.
Lean back and let the sky open above you.
Lean back and let the blue water have you.
Float. Supported on top of the quiet water.
Let the water have you. Let the water hold you. And hold you. And hold you.
Here, in deep summer
Here, in an up and down world
Here, give yourself a moment
of peace
just because.
Just because peace
Just because you
Just because life
and how it moves and flows
even without your constant attention
Lean into the water
Lean into peace
Shhh now. Inhale. Exhale.
Let yourself float.
I leave you here, quiet and calm, floating on a blue lake of peace.
I send you now, so many blessings.
Ahhhhhhh..... :)