Q: Who are the Guides?
The guides that I work with flow a non-denominational message of love and peace. Their response to the question, Who are you? is always the same: "We are here with you."
To create a world of love, we must first be able to see (visualize) and sense (imagine) it. The Guides are here to help us envision, imagine, manifest and inhabit that world. That world is here and emerging inside of this one. Our choice to acknowledge and engage with that world will make it real.
Let’s begin at the beginning
Who are the Guides?
Even as I type the question, the Guides leap to respond. They say:
We are a group of non-physical teachers who are devoted to your joy and peace. We are here to support your physical well-being in a time of transition.
Right now, the guides are flowing a non-denominational message of love and peace toward the planet. They are doing this to elevate and integrate all of us into the faster, higher frequency energies moving through the earth plane at this time.
Their primary message, since the moment I first heard their message, has been: We are here with you.
Their extended message is the entirety of my books, trainings, lectures. Everything I include here I learned through my ongoing relationship with them. They guide me with dreams, mental images, words, signs and somatic impulses which, if I pay them no mind, become symptoms.
The important things to know about the Guides that I work with are:
They are not human.
They are not one deceased master, archangel or entity. They are a portal to a wide deep impersonal intelligence. They are non-physical impulse (like angels -and, indeed, they may BE a form of angel) dedicated to supporting human life. I think of them as a kind of emissary or intermediary, serving to flow communication between human and divine intelligence.They are not judging us.
They have no agenda and are not interested in getting anything from us. Their purpose is to accompany, uplift and support humanity through a time of transition.They are not trying to make us follow their ways.
They are teachers, offering their perspective from the field (realm) of love and blessing. As such, their teachings invite us into that perspective for it is only from there that we can help midwife (co-create) the field of love and blessing on earth.Simply stated: To create a world of love, we must first be able to see (visualize) and sense (imagine) it. The Guides are here to help us envision, imagine, manifest and inhabit that world. That world is here and emerging inside of this one. Our choice to acknowledge and engage with that world will make it real.
When I first became aware of the Guides in my early twenties, I knew them as ‘the Universe’, ‘the fairies’, ’the flow’, ‘the Divine’ or even, OM. The guides seem to find it amusing the way we humans need to name everything. When I ask them directly, “What is your name?” they laugh and tease me with names from historical times.
When I was just starting out, I was guided by a presence I knew as Archangel Michael and another I knew as Mary. Though I still call on both of these lights, more recently, as the world has been moving through the late stages of birthing a new world, I’ve found myself called to the teachings of Mary Magdalene and the Black Madonna/Destroyer archetypes, so necessary in this time of chaos and dissolution of the old.
Each of these powerful allies has appeared in my life in times of expansion and then, quietly faded into the background.
There are others - ancestors, deceased teachers or leaders, earth spirits, angels, and animal friends (especially cats!) who have served as dream teachers to me personally, and in support of this work.
Among these, I count Carl Jung, Arnold Mindell, Marion Woodman, Caroline Myss, Penney Peirce. My work stands on the shoulders of other ‘listeners’, including Dorothea MacLean and Eileen Caddy (Findhorn Garden), Machaelle Small Wright (Perelandrea and MAP) and Neale Donald Walsch. Their works confirm what calls to me through the guides, dreams and illuminated experiences that I have experienced all of my life.
We all have teachers, friends, mentors. We all guide one another. This is the way of things.
Right now, as I am developing the concepts, building a School of Magic, outlining and beginning to write a book, I find myself drawn here - to share with you bits of my own story, and how the Soul Caller Teachings came to me. The story of Illumination Coaching, my way of listening, supporting and helping. The story of my work with movement and imagery, qhich, for now, I’m calling The Pose of Perfect Love.
At the same time, I’m beginning a new ‘Q/A column’ here on Becoming Real. I’ll be responding to the many questions people ask me in emails, workshops and comments to this Substack.
If you have a Q for me or for The Guides, I’d be happy to receive it here.
You can learn more about the teachers and experiences that have influenced my work and my life over here.
You can explore my current offerings here.
You can learn about my new School of Magic here.
Basically, I’m inviting you to connect.
I’ll be here.
~ Amy