This week! A (free) online retreat to enhance your connection to the non-material world
In these times of global upheaval and uncertainty, we’re all feeling ungrounded.Yet times like these hold great potential for transformation— and awakening!
This week, I’m doing something I haven’t done in a long time. Participating as a speaker in an online summit. Here’s why:
Connection with divine and cosmic energies has never been more available - and more necessary. Your ability to work with the unseen is an essential skill - one you were born with, and one that you’ll need going forward as you emerge, more and more into authentic power. And you are emerging - you can’t help it. It’s just what’s happening right now - to everyone.
All of us are remembering who we really are and feeling the call of our unique part in the unfolding of the New Earth.
Which is why, when Leslie Zahn and Keren Brown invited me to be part of their week-long summit, I said an enthusiastic YES! It’s time for that kind of yes. That kind of instant engagement. All of us are being invited to engage, to step up and emerge as the divine beings we came here to be. All of us are called now to share the wisdom of our soul journey.
I’ll be sharing my own work and my story on Thursday - but the event runs all week, from April 23-29th. The details are here: Exploring the Unseen: Unlocking the Secrets of the Non-Material World — go see!
A few things to know:
The event is entirely free.
There are 10 presenters (including me!)
It’s live-streamed and interactive- so you’ll be able to ask questions and get answers in real time.
The presenters tell me this event will help you:
Deepen your intuition and trust guidance more than ever before
Root to a steady centered calm even in the midst of external challenges
Access deeper wisdom, clarity, and knowing so all areas of your life can flow with more ease and grace - so you can be the change.
And YES! to all of that - but also, listen:
The most important reason to participate in things like this is simpler, and more foundational. It’s this: the deliberate, steady cultivation of your soul’s connection with love - and the high frequency energies of open-heartedness, curiosity, creativity and joy is the best way to ensure that you remain stable, no matter what happens in the world around you. In unstable times, do all that you can to stabilize your nervous system. Try simply closing your eyes - inhaling and exhaling through your nose until your body settles.
Seek out inspiration and beauty (they nourish the soul). Seek out things that spark questions and stimulate your curiosity. These sparks of light captivate and settle the mind.
In all of these ways, you are calling the angels - and the flow of love - into your life. And when you call, the angels have shown me again and again, the flow always says YES!
That’s why I’m joining this summit as a presenter. From the energy of the organizers and speakers, I can feel the good intention - and the warm, welcoming energy of love. I sense that this event will be the kind of gathering we ALL need now.
To claim your spot, register here and Leslie and Keren will send you an email with all the details of how to signin to each days events.
I hope you’ll join me there!