Who are you? I ask the guides. And they tell me.
This morning I woke up with the guides speaking to me. I seemed to have been receiving instruction in my sleep. This is what I remember...
(This is the second full transmission, received in December of 2015. The first was entitled: A Message from AA Michael - There is a War for your Attention. It was beautiful but I did not have the courage to post it (because I struggled, then and now, with claiming to talk with Michael and other angels and so, in a moment of frustration with myself, I burned it in a fire in the back yard.)
Do not be unkind to yourself, the guides said. Nothing is wrong with you or with this. We will bring the message in a new way, a way that you will feel better about sharing. Since then, the guides have re-streamed that information indeed, weaving it into the lessons that follow. I have seen other people bringing this message, which has given me great hope. Knowing that I am not the only messenger eases my heart. I can bring or not bring these messages. They will find their way to the world with or without me. )
December 2015: This morning I woke up with the guides speaking to me. I seemed to have been receiving instruction in my sleep. This is what I remember:
We are offering a new form of psychotherapy, a field of work, inside of which we (you and we together) are re-patterning the habit matrices. Beginning at the level of thought, and then, moving into the intersection between thought and movement (behavior). These interwoven structures control human behavior. They are a kind of … architecture of human conditioning.
Who are you? I ask.
We are interstellar consortium working to liberate the people of earth from the tyranny of your own minds. To do this we need you to address the validity of these transmissions and to make yourself available to receive our words.
You will need to drink plenty of water. Water is the medium of thought. This will make it easier for the communication to flow. You need to sleep and eat properly. Lean fish and vegetables. We will come back to this. It is confusing the order of the transmission.
Here at the beginning, you have to be willing to give up the life you’ve planned and step into the one we can bring you. This is not a bargain that we offer; this is a new way - available to all who choose to travel it. This is the way of story surfing. One smoothly shifts, as if riding across wave tops, from one story to another. You decide if you are ready to proceed?
I nod.
And are you ready to proceed?
And we are ready to proceed. You can take breaks to eat, sleep, dream, socialize. This connection cannot be lost or broken. We will pick it up where it leaves off. We are delighted (pleased) that you can hear us and that you are willing to play.
We will heal your suffering. Where we cannot, we will show you the grids so that you can do this for yourself. This is always a partnership. We are a united mind-linked group of star people: interplanetary ambassadors who come to offer support and illumination during this transitional time.
You have been capable of doing this for years. It is only now, this morning, that you are willing to take this down with clarity and patience, because this morning you are aligned with our message. Only now do you know that this is real.
We planted the seeds that led you to this awareness throughout your life. See the stack of titles on your bookshelf - see the Ken Carey book [The Starseed Transmissions], which you read years ago. See the dreams you have dreamed. See The Soul Caller Training, which we gave.
Me: Yes. Yes.
We will help you now to set that aside so this work, the next work, can come through. Even the laryngitis you are experiencing is a sign, a symbol to re-mind you that you are the voice - and that you have something to say and want to say. Something that is moving you, pushing you from within. We noticed it was the video about Anna Breytenbach and the animal trackers from around the world that completed your opening to this guidance.
Me: Yes. Seeing her working with animals helped me feel real. And the professor dreams…
Yes, and the professor dreams. We are glad that you liked those.
Now, let us begin. We began training with you long ago when your cat Tomasina died. We led you then, as we will lead you now. You followed, without thinking or understanding, simply allowing your body to follow the thread. This ability to sense, see and follow the threads is still You need only listen for (attend to and open to our stream) for the words to flow. Though we sense that you are still afraid, know that this will pass. You will grow accustomed to our rhythms and our ways.
I sense that there are several voices working together. Right now, at the beginning, they are working to find the ‘right’ words. They float words in and out when they are uncertain - as if feeling for the best one, the one most aligned with the vibration of their message.
Yes, this is true. We like a good sentence.
Me: I can feel your goodwill and your sense of humor.
You have known us for a very long time. In this life body and story, as Amy, you have known us since you were born. You have known us through other life stories as well. This is a relationship that you recognized and trusted and relied on as a child. This conversation is merely the continuation and acknowledgment of a conversation we have been having at another level of awareness. Like slipping shoes onto your feet over socks, another layer of clothing, another layer of form arrives with written words.
As these words will be read by others, we sense your concern that we make clear to them the good intentions and freedom in our collaboration this morning. So, we turn to them now.
Reader, this is a partnership.
Amy likes the word ‘co-creative’. From our vastly broader perspective, we prefer the word ‘interstellar’ but it matters not. The important thing is that we, together, reassure you that Amy is safe - and so are you. Our intentions are supportive and always toward your good. We are here now to help you pass through a challenging earth transition.
So, let us begin. We would like now to show you a sort of overview. A glimpse through a window of your soul, by way of outlining this transmission and all of our work together.
The human being is a three-fold organism: Head, Throat, Chest. The upper body.
Head - with eyes and teeth, mouth and gums, ear canals. Listening and attunement to the flow through the major senses
Throat - a passageway to the mid-body
Chest - with heart and lungs, canals and passages, movement of materials, foods and fluids…
You are structures of oseo-materials. (They feel for a word.) Bones.
Me: Wait. This is confusing to me. There is so much coming in at once. I am asking you to send this to me as a holographic image so I can unpack it - but do help me.
As opposed to a stream?
Me: Yes. Show me an image of the body. Wait. No. Start over. Let me focus.
This uncertainty is an example of conditioning. You are conditioned to lack trust in your self. You trust us - you sense our good intentions. You scanned for safety and security and openly made yourself ready to begin. This is a partnership. When you don’t trust yourself your integrity is so deep that your lack of faith in yourself interrupts your faithful connection to us and we cannot get our message to you.
It’s a pattern interrupt. We will address this now. Your uncertainty stops you. Your striving for perfection, for infallibility. It creates a constellation of tangled intention, like cotton strings in a heap of confusion.
Me: They show me a pile of spaghetti.
So this noodle-like - cotton-string - knotted tangle of mixed intentions is there and when you try to go this way, you can only travel so far before the tangle of another belief/idea/thought pulls against that direction. That thought ‘wants’ you to go another way. Soon the thoughts are pulling against each other and consciousness is looping about, unable to flow.
Principle 1) Consciousness seeks to flow.
All energy must flow and all energy will seek the path of least resistance. In order to flow, consciousness (which they show me as/like liquid light. Imagine water made of electricity or liquid rainbows lit from within) must travel through all things, as water flows in creeks and brooks to collect in the wider, freer lakes and oceans, so consciousness makes its way in rivulets, careening around rocks and stones; wending its way down mountain brooks; crossing channels; carving new routes as it goes.
As water carves patterns into the rock face, so consciousness shapes the forms through which it flows. As rivulets gather, becoming rivers, the flow deepens and the currents grow stronger.
It is easier to shift a rivulet than a river. Once there is momentum, there is more resistance to change.
Like rivulets, thoughts gather. A single thought joins with another, creating collective flows of thought which flow like rivers. Strongly and deeply, moving ever more quickly, as they are fed by many rivulets of thought from many thinkers thinking at once.
As you flow together, you effect change around you.
This is how television creates rivers of agreement so quickly. This medium is so powerful it can move masses of people in one direction. Since its invention, more than 50 years ago, two effects have occurred: one at the subconscious level, one at the level of manifestation.
You are still unaware, for the most part, of these effects.
Yet you can see some effects:
You can see how television swings opinion at the level of politics and how this creates waves of social and commercial movement. You can see how television influences the valuing and commodification of one thing over another.
Yet there is much you do not see. You are both awake and asleep to its effects. Right now, though there is much confusion about television, you will discover that the effects are strong.
The guides show me that energy flows gather into pools of outcome. I guess we will be discussing that in another conversation . . .
- Received and recorded this day of December, 2015