“… we will not command you to follow joy, only point you to your own source code which rests within your own heart. We will not compel you with clever tricks of logic nor will we bind you with rules and names.For we have no requirement of you. Your life will follow whatever you follow – and so, that which is within you will be expressed without. That which you follow will follow itself.You are free and we release you from all bindings to this or any other way.”
In April 2016, the day after I posted the guides’ last transmission, Learning to Purr, on my blog, someone left this note in the comments:
The Lord provides two paths either heaven or hell. He calls the path to heaven straight and narrow and says few there be that find it. Turn away from all occult practices and be made clean by the blood of Jesus Christ. Let the Holy Spirit guide and protect you.
I was stunned. This was just what I’d feared when the guides began talking about Jesus. I felt exposed and angry and I took the post down but it bothered me to think that a chunk of the Flow Materials would be excised from the whole.
Though I knew then (and now) that the root of this admonition was genuine concern for my soul, I had no interest in battling with the people who police the boundaries of our faith.
And so, that day, back in 2016, I brought my concern to the guides. Their response was simple: The Holy Spirit is not bound by one name, one form, nor one way.
That’s all they said about it but for the rest of the day, they offered sparkles of synchronicity and divinely-timed encounters with Sophia, one of the other names the Holy Spirit takes. In this playful way, gently, inviting curiosity and always tempting me toward the energy of love, they reminded me that connecting with Love is not occult practice. Listening to guidance is not occult practice. The Holy Spirit is infused into all paths to God and all paths to God lead to Love. For God and Love are one.
The next morning, the guides offered this message:
We begin by softening Amy’s concern that mentioning the name Jesus Christ will draw toward her all the forces of censure and binding which that name carries like chains upon it. And we chose that image carefully – for as we have said before, the man, Jesus Christ, had no such bindings. He was a teacher of love and peace and would not re-turn to scold another for bringing the same message through the lens of her own life – and her own experience.
And we remove these chains from this name for they are not real.
We have spoken to you about perspective. We have explained that the world that you experience is the world which you name. And so, dear Amy, we re-mind you that when you work from the perspective of the fear that using the name of this prophet will draw you into conflict, so it will be. And so it was - immediately.
For you will (always) experience the limits and boundaries of your own perspective, as each and every perspective you hold is a world - a field with rules of its own. And those rules are boundaries which manage that field.
Your perspective creates the world inside of which you work. And so, standing in the world (field) where people who say the name Jesus Christ come into conflict with the gatekeepers of that name, puts you there. Yet, you are free - and you do not have to stand in that world.
Step out of that world and stand in a new world, the field of love and peace, where you can look out into the world, and name that same Man without consequence. Inside the field of blessing you will experience that name inside of the limits and boundaries of blessing.
In the world of love and peace, that name carries no chains. It is the name of a teacher of profound love. Which world do you prefer? Choose that world. You are the chooser - step into the world you prefer.
So we invite you, Amy, and you, Reader, to ask yourself: What world do I name as real? As mine? The generous, loving world of inclusion or the barbed-wire encircled world of regulation and border police?
Our message begins from the perspective of this question this morning:
And you will know alignment by your attunement to it – and you will not need the gatekeepers of your houses of faith or the rules which they proffer and require you to follow, to come into connection, into relationship, with the flow of wholeness.
Now we do not despise religion nor seek to tear down its walls - we do NOT!
We bless these houses and we seek through these messages to re-turn these houses to right relationship with the heart of their own source code; for they were founded on the teachings of the purest souls on Earth, those most aligned to the nature of love and peace, benevolence and brotherhood. Those whose words and whose acts led to such joy to be proclaimed miracles. Those acts and those words as they were spoken are the source code. All who came behind to repeat those words, unless they speak from their own nature, are not to be followed. Only joy leads to joy. Only truth leads to truth. Copying the movements of another, even one living in joy, is not following joy. It is copying.
Your houses of worship were founded in the perspective (the world view) of those whose words and acts led to such joy as to be proclaimed as miracles in their day.
And when one follows these teachings, one is moved by his or her own nature to repeat those acts and those words, and does so from the clarity of her own connection to Source, these acts and words lead to joy – and yes, to miracles.
So, when another names herself/himself 'gatekeeper' and repeats these selfsame acts and words without living inside of the field of their message, these acts are not real and will lead to more of the same: the unreal.
When you repeat any action only because you ‘should’, the result will be emptiness and you will experience that emptiness as a lack of connection to truth. For all things lead to their own reflection and only joy leads to joy and only truth leads to truth. So, that which is not real will lead, also, to its reflection: more illusion. More masking. More that is not connected to Source but rather, to the attempt to get power through those who say that they are connected.
So many live this way: attempting to get power from the gods by following the books and copying the acts and the ways that this or that prophet left behind. Yet this is not the way of truth nor is this the way to truth. For this prophet followed his own direct connection to love and peace. He followed joy - to forge his own journey, his own way.
If one would wish to emulate Him, follow joy. Be led by your nature as he was led by his own. By this will you find your own journey, your own way, and by this may you become like Him. Emulate his search - not his actions. For when you strike out in pursuit of truth, love and peace yourself, you emulate His search and you will find the same.
So, what do we mean by ‘real’ and what does it mean to follow joy?
The real is the Source; the teaching of the real is the ‘source code’ and this ‘teaching’ rests within (is infused into) each and every part of the created and un-created world. The source code is the bridge to true connection – direct connection – to Source, which, while it may be found by crossing the bridge of a particular practice (act) or prayer (act) or ritual (act), does not arise FROM that practice, prayer or ritual.
True connection to Source, once established, requires no bridge, no ritual, no ‘rules’, for Source requires no such thing of you. To follow joy means to sense within for the miracle – the seed, the light, the spark of knowing. The bridge that is already within – already established – and has always been.
Your inner bridge is paved with your own particular source code, specific to you - and this way will always lead you to joy. And we say that this is personal code, aligned to your specific ‘is-ness and way of being in this world. Your ‘you-ness’. Your way of being – of expressing your human life has been with you since birth and beyond and will be with you post-death and beyond. It is your singular, individuality – the point of constellation and awakening around which you gathered into form and around which you serve and have always served. (And that service is not to our will but to your own nature.)
And the joy that it leads to, that it points to – incessantly, passionately – is equally personal, for one will be led to joy through all manner of creative engagement. Joy may lead one through art, music – creative endeavor comes in many forms – and joy may lead another through numbers or repairing things; joy can be found in the wonders of the body as dance or as anatomy or as surgery.
The source code may be love of the body and its ways. The paths will be as varied as the tender beauty of your faces – each uniquely recognizable.As unique as your faces are the codings of your souls’ connection to joy, to Source.
For Source is the electricity that powers all movement. The energy of the sun, of photosynthesis which, as it flows through the source code of each particular plant, powers the generation of that specific expression of joy – as green, as leaf, as flower, as tree, as fruit. And so, the source code - the 'joy code' of man and woman is equally varied.
And we were telling/speaking of the real, and what is real and how to recognize this in others and in the world.
And we say, you will recognize the real by finding what is real within yourself. By comparing things vibrationally, by becoming so familiar with and so clear about the real in your own heart and mind and body – your own source code and its patterns of feeling and preference – that you will know it when you encounter it in any form, no matter the face or expression it presents. No matter the vocation or role that it follows.
Joy will recognize joy as its own reflection; for this is the way; all things seek (and find) their reflection in the world. And this is a key to the mystery. And this is true for joy and also for not-joy, which is fear and which is separation from joy.
For when you stand in fear and look outward without first connecting within to the joy which is your own certainty and source code, you will find (in the world) only fear. Yet when you stand in fear and take the moment to re-turn, to re-member yourself to joy (to love and peace), you will be unmovable by anything outside of you and yet infinitely willing and able to move. (Which is to say that you will not be swayed from joy to follow not-joy. )
This paradox cannot be explained, it must be experienced.
And for this, we draw your attention to the experience that you are having as you encounter these words – this work , for as you are reading, you are tapping into and checking in with your own source code to compare that vibration (which you trust) to the vibration of this work (which you are testing, because you do not yet know it).
And so we ask you: how does it seem? What do you sense? For your heart knows itself. Your heart has known the feeling of resonance and its opposite, dissonance. And you will re-call memory of times when you did not act (move on) your inner knowing of/ sensing of dissonance and what ensued from that.
You knew then, as you know now, and we will not make this choice for you. It is not ours to make – nor is it ours to convince you to choose one way or the other.
Only you can say, from your source code, whether this work that we offer is good (resonant) or not-good (dissonant). And by ‘good’ we mean, good for YOU. For even when you sense, "This is good for me!" it is not the same as this is good for everyone.
Each must make her own way/his own way to joy. Each must move along the path her own way/his own way. For just as no two faces are the same, no two will walk the same path in this life. For while the inclination to reach toward joy is in every particle of creation, the way of joy is unique to everyone and every thing.
The way of joy is unique in its appearance, its expression and its turnings.And this is why there IS no ‘one true way’, nor one true teacher – for the ways are as infinite and varied as the snowflakes – and uncountable, and each is good, according to its own knowing of the way.
And so we will not command you to follow joy, only point you to your own source code which rests within your own heart. We will not compel you with clever tricks of logic nor will we bind you with rules and names.For we have no requirement of you.
Your life will follow whatever you follow – and so, that which is within you will be expressed without. That which you follow will follow itself.You are free and we release you from all bindings to this or any other way.
what a gift to have access to this on a daily basis. thank you. reading it feels like and alignment, like what i know to be true inside my own heart wakes up, stretches and comes to the front and center of myself, it feels like a confirmation, a rush of hope and joy and beauty.
Thank you for this - for trusting yourself enough to publish this material! It can't have been an easy decision, as is underscored at the beginning of this post when your fears were confirmed.
This was very profound for me. As another commented, a confirmation of what I feel I know but didn't know I knew. It's simple, as the profound always is yet slippery like trying to carry water in your hands. In some regards I don't want it to be true that everyone must find their own way. Yet I know it is. That means there's no easy way. Yet it's very simple.
what a gift to have access to this on a daily basis. thank you. reading it feels like and alignment, like what i know to be true inside my own heart wakes up, stretches and comes to the front and center of myself, it feels like a confirmation, a rush of hope and joy and beauty.
gracias amy
Thank you for this - for trusting yourself enough to publish this material! It can't have been an easy decision, as is underscored at the beginning of this post when your fears were confirmed.
This was very profound for me. As another commented, a confirmation of what I feel I know but didn't know I knew. It's simple, as the profound always is yet slippery like trying to carry water in your hands. In some regards I don't want it to be true that everyone must find their own way. Yet I know it is. That means there's no easy way. Yet it's very simple.