Flow 5.17: The changes you are experiencing now
This change is already here, descending like particles of light floating in the very air. You are breathing in this light of consciousness. As you breathe, this light infuses your entire being.
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Today, you are one sort of human being, moving through the passage, through the tunnel, the journey of rebirth/transformation. Tomorrow, you shall be reborn. A new type of man, of woman, with new skills and new abilities in a new world.
It is a small matter to find our place and to pick up where we left off. And we were talking about the wind and other harbingers of change. And by ‘harbingers’ we are referring to symbols - for we were talking about the symbolic function of the human mind and its importance in the evolution of the species of mankind and womankind. For this is an evolution and you are at the very edge/the cutting edge/the leading edge of this now. For your world is shifting and, as it shifts around you, you enter a new world.
We said, at the beginning of the project of this book, that it will help you to imagine this world as a ball of golden light, a sphere - and to imagine yourself as living inside of that golden sphere.
Today, you are one sort of human being, moving through the passage, through the tunnel, the journey of rebirth/transformation. Tomorrow, you shall be reborn. A new type of man, of woman, with new skills and new abilities in a new world.
The first ability: You will see and know with much greater clarity. This will give you the confidence you need to make clearer choices. As your choices clarify, the world of love forms around you.
This change is already here, and already descending like particles of light floating in the very air. You are breathing in this light of consciousness. As you breathe, this light infuses your entire body, saturating your physical form. Cell by cell, you are reborn. Breathe now and feel the light of the new world lighten you and lift you. Feel yourself lighten, becoming buoyant - it’s easier to be you. Feel the lifting of the burdens you’ve been carrying. Feel them fall away as your rise, supported and unburdened, breathing in the light of the new world.
The second new ability is willingness. You are less fearful and more willing to risk trying new things, to risk doing new things. In a way, this second shift is a return to the trusting openness of childhood; the innocent acceptance of what is before you. You receive this gift, tempered with the adult’s awareness and experience. This second gift includes an expansion of your ability to bless what is before you. To say, “This is good.” The ability to bless will lead naturally and easily to the third gift.
The third ability is forgiveness of the past. For as you accept what is here without blame or shame, you begin to accept what WAS here in that same spirit. To accept what WAS, without telling the story that this should have been different than it was. This was an old story which bound things in stasis - in holding patterns, as ‘wounds’ and ‘scar tissue’ - as problems to be solved, as open questions which call the mind’s resources back through time, again and again. Now, with acceptance and blessing, you are free; and as you free yourself from these patterns of binding, you bless them back into wholeness.
Now, the past is free to flow away from you and to be re-leased and to re-emerge, re-newed and re-cycled into freshness, into liberated energy which can be made available for new emergence, new experience.
As when data storage is cleared from a computer (or smartphone) - as when no longer necessary documents or image files are deleted - the virtual space they once occupied is liberated/freed up for other uses. As when the memory of your smartphone is cleared, your stash of unnecessary photos erased, the whole system runs more efficiently.
After you delete files, the ‘pointers’ to those files are removed and the ‘partitions’ the system has been using to separate the disk into ‘fragments’ of storage are lifted, are taken down, as if walls between parcels of land are removed and people and animals can roam freely across those borders once more.
As old files are wiped away, the system is cleared. So it is with memories in the mind and threads of thought and distortion in the mind field (aka threads of samskara). For the field of mind operates in many ways like the data storage and retrieval systems, which your Silicon Valley geniuses have made.
We have spoken before of the way that memories of past trauma are stored as unresolved questions/as wounds. We have said that they are stored inside of ‘bound packets’ of energy, which you name as ‘wound’ or ‘bad’. This is what we are once again re-minding you for it is good to re-turn to re-view what we have covered/discussed thus far, before we move on to our next conversation. And this IS a conversation you know, for we are called here by your questions.
The new and the old.
As you approach this shift from one way of being human to another, your questions become more focused, and, in a way, louder. A stronger signal, they are easier for us to pick up and respond to. That is why there is more direct access to us and to our teachings now, from many portals. For many teachers are awakening to their ability to receive our message of love and peace. It is not because we are closer. It is because YOU are re-opening to our presence. Likewise, your heightened awareness at this edge of change increases your ability to pickup our response.
As Amy typed that last line, a small bird - black and white patterned wings, slash of red at the sides of its head - flew up to her window, latched onto the screen with its claws. It sat, clinging to the screen, for about 30 seconds. Then, it flew to a nearby shrub where it was joined by two others with similar markings - both with blue slashes on the sides of the head. The three small birds are still there, flitting about the budding lilac tree.
And so, here we are in conversation and all is well. And that is our primary message with this book; we are here with you and all is well. Things are moving as they must and as they will and all of this is blessed.
The changes you are experiencing now in your turbulent times are no more and no less than the revolution which is evolution. No more and no less than at any other pinnacle of change. We chose that world ‘pinnacle’ deliberately, and we send with it an image of a human man and woman ascending to the top of a mountain. The climb has been arduous and they are most weary and thirsty for water, hungry for sustenance but mostly , they long for sleep.
And so we say to them, it’s okay to rest and to fest. (To you, dear reader, we say the same - for you, too, have been climbing a while - long enough now.)
Rest and regroup. Re-coup. Re-gather your energy/your resources.
Fest. Celebrate your victories thus far. For there are more climbs ahead; and still more questing to do. There is a time for climbing and a time for celebrating how far you have come at each pinnacle you attain. After the celebration, there is a vital time, a critical time of deep rest.
For this were you given the Night, She who draws her cloak of darkness around you and sends you to sleep; She who sends the dreams, to help you sort through the mind-stuff of your days. So that you might re-awaken to a new day, relieved of your burden of suffering and sorrow, guilt and worry. So that you might re-awaken, released from the illusion of error, renewed in the body, refreshed in the spirit. For life is a balance of questing and resting and there are endless summits, endless pinnacles to attain - and endless springs from which to drink.
And now, we are complete, and we extend our hand in great love. For all of you. For we are here and always with you in love and as love.
And as she writes these final words, we draw Amy’s attention to the bird which has broken into a song of blessing, calling, “You’re blessed. I’m blessed. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It’s blessed. It’s blessed. Go back. Go back. Go back. Go back.”
Right outside her window, even as rainbows dance, once more across the page of this notebook. In this moment, on this day, moved by this wind of glorious change.
Received this day of 5-17-2016
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