As the Transmission deepens, the Guides expand on the dream’s teaching, exploring the nature of sacred knowledge, natural systems, and the need to ground ourselves in inner wisdom.
Introduction: As the Transmission deepens, the Guides expand on the dream’s teaching, exploring the nature of sacred knowledge, natural systems, and the need to ground ourselves in inner wisdom. They weave ancient traditions with the universal flow, reminding us that the path to ascension begins with descent into our own depths.
The Transmission
So, come now, into receptive listening.
I close my eyes. I breathe. “I am here with you,” I say. And we begin again:
Throughout history, your priestesses and priests have deliberately withheld information from the masses to protect the world from waves of wild and untrained energies that would emerge if such information fell into the wrong hands. Their intention was not to control you. That is not the way of the wisdom keeper. Rather power is granted through stages of initiation, opening in layers, a pyramid of ascension. For just as unchecked power moving through a body would be painful, so would unchecked power, wielded by the collective, have its painful effects.
And that is our message today. There are natural systems in place, and some are right inside of you, within your own nature. These natural self-organizing and self-balancing systems protect you from overwhelming yourself with un-grounded surges of power. Just as your electricians understand that power must be grounded and, that wiring must be up to code and, that current must be stable, so your body knows. Just as your electrical products are designed and carefully screened to protect you and your children from shock and surge, from electrocution, so your body is shielded from the movement of too much ‘power’ through your nervous system.
You understand the effects - and the pain - of lightning strikes. You have witnessed their effects in those who are killed and those who survive. Now, understand the sensitivity of your own nervous system.
Your brains and bodies are delicate bio-electrical systems held together by the grids of deliberate consciousness by attendance to their pattern by your own guardians - the devas of your incarnation: your guardian angels, whose sole responsibility it is to keep you safe, protected and whole. To keep you functioning and flourishing as you are designed.
When the guides re- mind me of something, I see it in my mind’s eye. Flashes of imagery, as if I am being shown flash cards of story and symbol.
And so, we are drawing Amy’s attention to the vision she had many years ago, when the space shuttle challenger exploded seven minutes after takeoff. She was walking up the stairs at the 14th Street subway station [in New York] when she saw a bright flash inside of her head - and a sharp stab of pain behind her eyes and she heard a voice speak clearly: Stay on your planet!The voice wasso strong it made her gasp and she swooned and had to stop, gripping the hand railing to catch her equilibrium.
This was not a harsh or scolding voice but it shook her. She had no idea who spoke or what it might mean until, a few minutes later, entering the office, she found her colleagues huddled around a small television. “The space shuttle exploded,” they told her. There were no survivors.
Did she speak of what she’d heard? She does not remember but she doubts that she did for she was so young, only 28 years old, and she would have felt shy about such a strange proclamation. This was one of her first ‘downloads’ and it felt strange and illuminated to her. The pain in her head had been quite real and unprecedented, the words entirely audible. Who had spoken them and how? And why had she heard them when she had nothing to do with the space program? And, for the purposes of our discussion here today, we ask: Why did she not share her experience?
Then, as now, we explain that the message Amy heard was sent (pulsated) to all humanity and each received it in his or her own way of reception. As Amy’s strongest way is listening (what some call clair-audiance) and imagery (visions and dreams) the message was translated through her into voice, image and a flash of pain. Her unique way of reception called it through her into that form. The same message was received by all - some received it as insight, the spark of awareness and a simple thought, like, “We should not shoot for the stars until we understand how to live in peace on Earth.” Some could not receive it, so great was their shock and sorrow at the loss of human life.
Each receives the message (and the flow) is her own way/in his own way. And as Amy heard it as words and felt it as pain, she also received it as knowing - as a download of information, for this was the essence of the message that day: the admonition to complete more work and more discovery here on earth before venturing into the sky. For though your technology may allow you to do much more, you have not yet mastered certain basic skills which you will need out there when you encounter other space travelers; for they are not ‘more advanced’ than you in technology - your scientists have already figured out much of the science required. Yet they are more stable in their emotions and farther along the inner journey, the journey of unfolding.
This morning, we draw Amy’s attention to the story of Nikolai Tesla. Tesla’s discovery could have united the world in peace, making free energy available to all. When you have advanced as a collective to the point where you no longer murder your visionaries, perhaps you will be ready to travel to the stars.
When your news coverage includes ALL of the available data, all of the science - the full picture - then all the earth’s citizens will begin to see the patterns. By ‘all the data’ we include information on sunspots, sun storms and flares; crop circles and other interstellar/interspecies communication; the flows of the tides of your waters and winds, the pull and push of other bodies in space - planets, stars - on your planet, the solstices and seasons, the cosmological events, the behavior of the plants and animals and stones.
When these things are reported on the news as news, not separated out as occult or irrelevant, when they are no longer viewed as primitive, outmoded, old-fashioned, uninformed, you will begin to see the patterns. When you see the patterns you will be ready to begin the preparation for movement in other realms.
So, we would turn you toward the old ways of knowing, ways which have been carefully preserved by those who know their value. Ancient peoples who have been pushed to the margins of society and labeled as ‘fringe’ or outmoded, people whose works contain the secrets of the stars.
The native peoples, the shamans, the sages of ancient times. The priestess, the medicine woman, the sacred dancer and healer. These are the roots of the rites practiced in your churches and temples today. Yet they are pushed to the margins of the world and labeled ‘primitives’, ‘heretics’. ‘witches,’ ‘wacko’ and ‘woo-woo’. Yet they do not so name themselves. They know who they are. They know what wisdom they carry. The feasts and celebrations, sacred languages and rituals—which they have carried forward through time, by their own effort and trial, against all manner of condemnation—speak to the code of your own DNA.
We have said before, such things you label as PSI, parapsychology, and ‘magic’ are only outside the bounds of normal discourse because you name them so. These effects are not magic - they are the nature of your world and it is time and place now to re-awaken your awareness of these things. If you truly want to ascend, to enter the conversation of space travel, time travel, to attain the wisdom of the star people, look within. For it is there, encoded in your very heart and bones. If you want to find your way, you must observe, watch and listen. To ascend you must first descend within yourself. You must enter within. You must dive within. You must become real.
Received this day of 6-21-16
Reflection: In this part of the Transmission, the Guides highlight the wisdom of natural systems—within the body, the earth, and the cosmos—that balance and protect us. The call to “descend within” echoes through the ancient traditions they reference, urging us to honor the sacred knowledge encoded in our very being.
This message also invites us to examine how we engage with power, both individually and collectively. The story of Tesla and the Challenger explosion reveals the consequences of wielding power without grounding it in wisdom and compassion.
Reflect on the balance between outward achievement and inner growth. How do you ensure that your actions are aligned with your deeper values?
Explore an ancient tradition or practice that feels resonant to you. What wisdom might it hold for your journey?
The Flow is moving to a new Substack: The Guidebook. Come see!
This is the last Flow Transmission you’ll receive from Becoming Real. That’s because The Flow Transmissions have found a new home: Guidebook: The Flow Transmissions. It’s a dedicated Substack blog where these beautiful messages can stretch out, expand, and deepen in their own space.
If you love these messages, you can subscribe for free over there. As always, the Flow Transmissions are freely given, and subscription to Guidebook: The Flow Transmissions is completely free. The new Substack operates on a Patronage model, so if you have the means and feel called to support the work, you’re warmly invited to become a paid subscriber. Here’s the link to join, either way.
Note: In the post Listen for we have much to tell you, you’ll find the transmissions organized in chronological order and grouped into the ‘books’ as The Guides assigned them.
Coming soon, I’ll also invite you to try your hand at Flow Journaling with me. :)
Happy to have come across you this morning! Your words resonate deeply with me. I subscribed to 2 of your publications. Thank you for sharing your gifts 💜
Happy to have come across you this morning! Your words resonate deeply with me. I subscribed to 2 of your publications. Thank you for sharing your gifts 💜