Flow 1.5 Your true name is Love. Love is also our name. Understand this and receive the fullness of what you really are.
In which, the guides discuss the power of words and 'the gift of imagery'
To convey something means to carry it from one place to another. And this is ‘the gift of imagery’, the ability to receive and convey information across the bridge of your ‘gift’– to make the invisible visible. All humans have this gift and all use it in their own way and time.
As we near the end of the first transmission. We ask Amy to review what we have written so far. Go back. Read through and bring us your questions. Ask from your own curiosity and you will reflect the things which readers are also curious to know and understand.
Amy asks:
Earlier, [in Flow 1:4: I see only love where you stand] you mentioned the psychic, M.B. Dykshoorn, who used the word ‘tongue-tied’ when he described my mother. He also told me I had the gift of imagery. Did I really have the gift he claimed? Or did his naming of it somehow create it in me? Also, what is this gift? I have always wondered about this.
Dykshoorn did not create the gift of imagery in you - he recognized what was already there. You were guided to Dykshoorn at the right time. He named you several names: he named you as ‘Mother’, as you will re-call. In this, he gave you the image of yourself as a mother and described two children – a boy and then a girl - who would soon arrive. He did not create this future, he named what he saw in your field. And this made it feel and seem more real to you at a time when you were struggling to hold onto hope.
Sometimes, you need another to name what you are so you can see it more clearly. In a joy-led world, this is the function of the teacher and mentor, the mother and father. And in this case, the psychic. Yet even a true psychic can only name tendencies. Dykshoorn did not create this future for you, you did. He named you Mother and you, by your action, made yourself a mother. He named the ‘gift of imagery’ and you, by your action, attended to and opened this possibility. He did not name your mother as ‘tongue-tied’. He observed that she struggled to show her work and searched for a word in his own language to describe it. As we said, [in Flow 1: I see only love where you stand ] it was you who bound this name to your mother - and to yourself.
So, we now return to the teaching on naming. We now begin to demonstrate the teaching of the true name.
Your true name is Love. Love is also our name. Until you can understand this, you cannot receive the fullness of what you really are.
And so, we begin with a discussion of the power of words.
We have said that words contain energy - which is to say that words are containers. Words contain and convey emotion, ideas, stories, templates, maps of meaning - which is to say that words carry their contents from one location to another.
Words are symbols, representations. They work as bridges, binding meaning so that when you think or read the word apple, you ‘see’ the image of an apple in your mind’s eye. When you hear the word “love” the thread of love brightens within you. In this sense, the word “love” can activate an experience which is already inside of you, the experience of love within.
This must be seen and understood. Language was developed to convey mental images (ideas, stories, memories, plans) from inside to outside. And to help translate (and store) material and emotional experiences (apple, love) into mental images. Words bring ideas (which are invisible) into speech or into words on a piece of paper or onto the computer screen where you, Amy, are typing and, you, reader, are reading these words.
You, Amy, are listening (receiving) the flow of our guidance as imagery (condensed packets of meaning) and ‘reading’ the energy contained in these packets and then, conveying them from invisible to visible, by writing words onto paper or speaking words aloud. Readers will receive these words (from outside of themselves) and translate them (inside of themselves) into flows of meaning. And so, as such, our message is conveyed from where we are to where Amy is and from where Amy is to where the reader is.
To convey something means to carry it from one place to another. And this is ‘the gift of imagery’, the ability to receive and convey information across the bridge of your ‘gift’– to make the invisible visible. All humans have this gift and all use it in their own way and time.
This is the gift of the artist and poet, the architect and the builder, the dancer and the singer, the screenwriter and the actor. This is also the gift of the mathematician, translating the flow into numbers, the doctor, translating the flow into healing, the home cook, translating the flow into nourishment, and the legislator, translating the flow into laws.
Which is to say that all work is creative work. For all humanity is creative, all flowing power, all makers of the world.
Yes, this is big. Yes, you may rest and eat breakfast. Restore yourself. Integrate all we have told you. We are here and will be here when you return.
(This is the last part of the first transmission. Received 3-26-2016)
The Flow continues with Flow 3-27: Holy Interruptions
Photo by Ester Marie Doysabas on Unsplash
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The power of the Namer! ❤️ To name and choose love