Amy, This entire message really strikes chords with me on many levels. I am so grateful to be connected here. And, so fascinating to find Abraham-Hicks through you. Finally, I will need to read your Flow Transmissions as I start my fearless journey to allow conversations with the unseen world to happen in my life. They already have. Much love! ShawnaLight@gmail.com

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May 24·edited May 24Author

Shawna! I'm delighted to read your note. More delighted still to know that something I offer has touched you. As if Grace is allowing me to say thank you for all that you gave to me when I was just returning to yoga. :)


Godspeed your journey into unseen conversation. I look forward to hearing what you discover.

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Lovely writing, as always, Amy. As you know, when I was writing 33 all those years ago, I felt pressure in my ears when one of the messages was ready to come through. Or maybe it was when I was ready to receive. Who really knows these things. Anyway, when there were no more messages, I stopped feeling the pressure. That's not to say I never received anymore messages. It is to say that particular "set" of messages was complete. I haven't felt that particular sensation since then. Similarly, when I started painting The Many Faces of Us and writing their stories, images of faces started flashing before my eyes when they were closed, in rapid fire succession. Eventually, that stopped too and I knew they were done with me. I don't find all of this very surprising anymore, but I still find it enchanting. It's always right there, waiting for us to engage with it in whatever way we're open to doing so. I so appreciate that you are here to remind us all of that. Have a wonderful visit with your daughter! XO

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May 24·edited May 24Author

PS I am having a lovely trip - and I'm completely off-rhythm. Forgive the delay in responding. I am sitting in a sweet cafe while my daughter straightens up her vintage store before the weekend rush. It is 2:00 pm here and my body thinks it's 5:00. I just ate a hamburger. (My daughter is a vegan. I was SO hungry.) and in a few hours, when my body thinks I should be getting into bed, we are meeting my niece, who also lives here, for dinner. Jet lag is real. xxoo

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Hello, dear friend. I remember when 33 was coming through - and I remember reading it. Hearing a little of the back story, witnessing how guidance comes to you, is fascinating. Thank you for sharing it here. I think 'enchanting' is exactly the right word for this. I am also noticing that as I share more of this kind of story, people are twinkling. You know what I mean.

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