"I am not a being with a face. I am not an angel with wings. These images are representations of me yet I am more than what they convey and I am not limited by them - except in your perception."
I am visited by the Archangel Raphael and schooled (yet again) about our relationship with the angels
Most of my posts are for everyone - like this one, from The Flow Transmissions, my ongoing conversation with The Guides, a cluster of angels I know as Guardians/Holders/Keepers of the Field of Love and Blessing. Their message is simple: We are here with you. Their teachings radiate a healing, calming energy which softens fear and opens the heart, inviting readers into the experience of aligned, quiet peace.
Paid subscribers also get workshops. Learn more in this post. Or subscribe here and join the workshop currently in progress.
And now, we begin.
Welcome to the Flow.
We carry the impulse/message of love between you and the force of love that made you. When your perception of separation is gone, when you understand that you are not (and never have been) separate from the divine force of Love who made you, we will melt away, becoming a part of you. We will be the glue, fusing you to Love, the Divine Wholeness.
Last week, I woke up in conversation with an angel, who said,
You have beheld my face 12 times but you did not see me.
Why did I not see you? I asked.
You were looking for another. The images by which you have known us in the past are outdated and no longer in alignment with who we are. It is not that we are no longer here with you - only that you have confusion and shame about claiming relationship with us. As if your evolution has moved beyond us. And yet here we are. And here you are, perceiving our presence. You see us yet you struggle to claim us.
Tell me why you came to me. Why did you send me this dream?
The angel you know as Raphael visits your dreams today to remind you there is no need to suffer as you do When you ask for help, you trust that we are here. Yet recently, you do not ask. You are trying so hard to do it alone. To get the words just right as you describe this work that you do. We know that this has recently become more frustrating for you.
And so we visit your dreams to wake you up to our message!
You do not need to work so hard to find a core message. You ARE the message. Just as we are the message that we bring to you. All that you need to know is this: We are here with you. Likewise, all that your readers need from you is you are here with them. Be yourself out loud and those who are attuned to what you are will find you. Just as we are always ourselves even as you come and go, visiting with us, distancing us.
What did you mean when you said that you showed me your face 12 times? The angel answers:
You call for the angel of healing constantly. When you worry about your body, your health, your food and drink, you call for me and, each time, the angel of healing responds. Yet you do not see me. In truth, angel is not my name, nor Archangel. We who respond to your call are so much more than these names.
I am not a being with a face. I am not an angel with wings. These images are representations of me yet I am more than what they convey and I am not limited by them - except in your perception.
In truth, I am the force of healing itself. The force which knits together broken bone, the force that pushes pus to the surface of a burning wound. I am the force quiets the flesh under your healing salves.
I am the force that guides the hearts and hands of your healers, your doctors and nurses, your shamans and chemists. Any healer at work is infused, like sap running through a tree, with the force of what I am.
I am the force that powers hands-on healing (like the modality you know as Reiki but my name is not ‘Reiki’. ) I am the force that flows through the healer’s hands, the force that seals the bottom of the cut blossom, the force that browns the apple slice, that closes the wound in the tree when a limb is cut away. I am the vibration that attunes your immune system to wellness, the pulsation of balance and wholeness that calls your body (and your world) into alignment.
I am not an entity with halo and wings, floating above you. I am the force of healing inside of your own cells and bones. I am the natural ability of your body to self balance, self organize and maintain health. I am built into your entire organism, and I coordinate all the levels of healing across all of your systems.
I am the force of life rebuilding itself.
The guides say:
Recently, you have struggled to distance your teaching from ‘the angels’. You have been uncomfortable with being dubbed that ‘angel lady’. And we visit this day to re-mind you that this obsession with names has become an impediment in your ability to receive the guidance and the comfort that we bring.
It matters not what we are called. We respond to all names that vibrate with the gifts that we offer. Likewise, it matters not what YOU (or your work) are called.
This struggle is, at the core, a struggle with courage. Will you claim your own experience even when it differs from what others who came before you have claimed? To go along is the easier way. Will you honor what you see with your own eyes, what you hear with your own ears?
You’ve come a long way to build trust with our message and to develop the attentiveness it requires. Now, we come again (as we will always come when you turn toward us) to continue the conversation about the specific and precise way that you perceive us to be.
We come, not to shift your perception but to honor what you sense and know, and to encourage and invite you to share it with others so that they, too, may come to trust in their own perception of us.
Oh, we could appear before you with wings and swords and glowing halos, and we are willing to do so if that will demonstrate some sort of proof but it is not necessary. We are beyond form and though we have the ability within our tool kit to take on the robes and costume of any culture inside of which we appear, these images are too small to convey or contain what we actually are.
We are the space between the Divine and the created, even as we are also the communication across that space. We are the messenger and the message, the paper and the pen. We are the letter and the space between mailboxes.
Simply put: We carry the impulse/message of love between you and the force of love that made you. When your perception of separation is gone, when you understand that you are not (and never have been) separate from the divine force of Love who made you, we will melt away, becoming a part of you. We will be the glue, fusing you to Love, the Divine Wholeness.
In that sense, we are the part that you project across the space that you imagine/perceive separates you from the Divine. When that space is no longer needed or perceived, our bridging will dissolve and we will be absorbed back into what you (already) are, an expression of Love.
Many images/metaphors can work here. We have said that we are bridges, that we are messengers and that we are carriers of message. In truth, we are metaphor itself for we are the image of connection/conversation/communion between minds - human and divine.
The Guides shift direction here, going on to explain how Divine Mind is able to connect with and listen to us, individually and collectively; and, how that same inter-connectivity that we share with all creation makes it necessary for us to become more responsible about the ways that our mood affects the mood of others.
When you extend your hand into the air around you it seems that there is nothing there yet as you learned in elementary school this seeming ‘nothing’ is filled with many invisible things. Molecules, microbes infections, germs, dust, pollen and, of course, light.
The air around you is infused with light. If it were not, you would not be able to see a thing. Because of this light, you are able to see and differentiate one thing from another.
For now this differentiation is necessary and causes your sense of separation from everything that you perceive Everything that you perceive is an extension of the wholeness of what you are. In truth, your air connects you as the water connects every fish in the sea.
In water. it is easier for humans to perceive that everything is connected. You can see and experience this connection - the water itself is the connector. You live in a sea of air - you can feel this when the wind moves the air - which connects you to all that surrounds you.
Still, let us stay with the example of the water for a moment. When you splash the water you send out a ripple, which moves away from you, gently bumping against everything in its way. Your small splash disturbs the sea only a little yet if you make wider, faster motion in the water, the ripples widen and move out more powerfully, becoming more perceptible to the plants and fish around you. Just as the invisible air is more perceptible to you when there is wind.
This is a simple example/metaphor of the truth of your impact upon the space around your physical body and the emotional mood space that you share with all of life.
For years we have been telling Amy that human behavior, especially intense emotional behavior creates effects in the physical world. Just as one in a temper or foul mood can sour the mood of a gathering or family dinner, so your heightened collective emotions go out as vibrational surges into the shared life space. When many are affected at once - as happens now that you have connected yourselves into a worldwide network via technology - it is possible for your smaller (individual) waves of fear, outrage or confusion to have greater effects when they join together in great surges and push out into the wholeness.
The challenge of your time is to learn to modulate these surges, individually and as a collective. This is important now that you are being influenced as a collective (through your interconnected social media and television). Now, more and more of you are, in a sense, of one mind. You are like a school of fish as you are more influenced by your media, by the things that people who influence thought and perception in your world say and do. The more that they stir things up, the wider and more powerful the waves become.
These surges of emotional activity influence the collective field in your world, there is the teaching about the wings of a butterfly, causing a tsunami on the other side of the world. This is an exaggeration, of course, but if all butterflies in places all over the world became agitated at once this would have a visible effect. Just as a rumbling under the ground of an ocean can create a tidal wave thousands of miles away, when all butterflies (or people) are focused together the power of their collective attention is greatly increased.
It becomes increasingly important, therefore, to create a balancing critical mass of equanimity, a sense of contented non-attachment, which can help you to mediate your own reaction to emotional events. It is not necessary for you to do anything but follow your own nature in whatever way it leads you. Your own nature - your natural way - will always lead back to balance and equanimity.
And we are here to support your return.
We have said that this is a joy-led world. It is not your job to re-balance the energy of the planet. Rather, only turn to follow your own joy. Cultivate health. Savor all the colors and flavors. Chase beauty, wellness, abundance, pleasure, generosity, music, creativity, self expression, all of the ways of joy.
Become aware of thoughts and perceptions that limit your ability to experience joy, beauty, love and connection and turn your thoughts toward healing and making whole those areas of perceived by you as limitation to your unfolding.
Specifically, in the work that we have done with Amy, we have gathered these patterns from the stories people share.
The sense that because of your childhood you cannot find your way to abundance, happiness or partnership/love.
The illusion that because your body is sick or damaged you cannot experience, abundant happiness, joyful relationship.
The story that because of ancestry or genealogy you are limited from the opportunity to have and experience joy, beauty, and joyful relationship.
Another set of patterns that we have recently encountered through Amy‘s conversations with client include indoctrination into cult like beliefs , offered by sects of the church and other extremist religious theologies. This is a method of mind control and it can be overcome with the proper counseling similar to the counseling offered to terrorists and extremists of any sort.
We are the force of healing and we will support any attempts you make to move in the direction of restoring your heart and mind and body to balance. Simply ask and we will arrive. We are the force of healing, held within the field of love and blessing and we are here with you, and we are all for you.
We end this transmission with one final reminder. Miracles are always possible but miracles are not always necessary. When you pray for a healing miracle we will always respond and usually, our response will come through you. We will offer a small change in your thinking. That small change, like every other miracle, will change the world.
Every one of the transmissions that we offer through Amy (and the others who bring our message through) contain the potential to change your life. The seed is there and you are the gardener who must plant and tend it.
In truth, you are the miracle maker. You are the one whose mind can change. All it takes is the willingness to risk one small step across the bridge of separation that you perceive between your self and us, between your self and the Divine.
In truth, you are never separate from the Divine who loves you beyond question beyond limit, and beyond and all diagnoses and past history. You are loved, and you are worthy of love. This single truth is healing medicine beyond all other miracles. The willingness to accept your own worthiness and your own deserving of divine attention, divine blessing and love. And the Grace that this confers.
And this is the end of this transmission this day April 22, 2024
As the message completes, The Guides ask me to share this coda with you:
How our conversation with Amy works
An image is offered and woven into a message of healing that we wish to confer to you.
Often Amy is dreaming when the message begins and the message continues to stream toward her until it is fully received. This means that she will often get into the car and notice that the message is still with her, and she will begin to speak the message out loud into the dictation app on her cell phone.
This is convenient for us. We love your technology for this reason.
Another way that the message will continue is that Amy may be walking through a shopping mall or a forest and her attention will be drawn to certain objects or animals or words in her environment, and these will feel as if they are glowing — as if they are illuminated in some way. And she will turn her attention toward them, picking up an object from the ground or writing down a word. (In precisely this way, we delivered to Amy the new divination method of the Soul Call Cards and the constellation process* which we gave with the cards.)
We pause to acknowledge that Amy is offering a workshop this month about Constellation - Workshops are also one of the inventions that we like a lot. In a workshop, we are able to interact with you and by your presence and your questions we are able to offer more information through Amy , and we are able to articulate our message even more clearly and specifically to tailor it to what you are asking to hear.
We are also always constellating with you and your environment and when you become aware of our presence in the field around you in your local environment, you will become more and more aware of the signs that we send to get your attention and to bring a message through in response to what you are presently asking.
It’s important for us to explain that we are never imposing a message. We are not here to teach you anything. We are response responding. We are the proof of the statement, ‘Ask and it is given.’ We are an expression of the call and response nature of your reality.
There are many proofs beyond what we offer here but we do not ask you to believe us nor do we ask that you believe IN us. We encourage you to question. Test everything that we say against your own experience. Only then will you discover what is real and what is not only then will you break the bonds of all conditioning through your own lived experience. Our purpose is not to break those bonds. Our purpose is not to change you.
Rather, our purpose is to respond and because Amy has an interest in breaking the bonds of conditioning you will find that in our messages through her. Bring us your own questions and our responses will reflect your concerns.
This is what we mean by constellation. This is the proof that your questions and concerns shape the response from the world around you . Ask and let us show you.
I wish for you all the joys of the season. A bracing swim, a long nap on a beach blanket. Rest. Feast. Chase beauty. En-joy!
Wow. They felt like it was a personal message tonight … right down to the ‘illuminated’ items — I happened to catch one the other night. Thank you SO much .. luv the force of healing … the letter and the pen. This gives me inspiration to trust the connection, and try again. Much 💙!!
This transmission touched my heart and soul. It spoke directly to things I’ve been dealing with in my own life with my health. It offered clarity. I am so grateful Amy for your post, generosity of spirit and your sharing. Thank you ❤️