Jul 13·edited Jul 13Liked by Amy Oscar

Sending you waves of love, light and healing, bowing to your prowess as you navigate unfamiliar waters. My 80 year old friend and neighbour has just had a small stroke and is affected on her right side. I appreciate your raw honesty and the glimpse into her world, so that I can be a better dolphin. Hugs from afar, Hannah

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Blessings to your friend, Hannah. And to you as you dolphin with her. :)

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Jul 6Liked by Amy Oscar

As for what's happening this week:

The older of my two cats, Jazmyn (my little trickster), is having a rough week. She's 18-1/2, and has developed hyper-thyroid, which is being managed but which makes her periodically yowl and make strange vocalizations that sometimes sound downright heartbreaking. They seem more like sounds of aloneness, of feeling lost, than of pain. It comes and goes for her.

For me, I ran out of my thyroid medication this week - last dose was on Sunday - and I couldn't manage to get myself to the pharmacy to pick up the refill. No particular immediate consequences, though I don't know what, if anything, might result in the coming weeks for having gotten behind. I should mention that I don't have a thyroid of my own anymore, so that little pill is not optional. It's been hard to motivate lately.

For the world, wow, I just don't even know what to think. I have to limit my exposure to the news and to the doom and gloom crowd. When I'm in optimist mode, I like to think that a new paradigm is coming, and that all the current turmoil is the birthing pains of this new paradigm. Power never gives itself up voluntarily. And a festering wound will never heal properly so long as the infection remains in it. I hope that these upheavals, these extremist beliefs, are the death rattle of the old power structure, of the patriarchy which ultimately diminishes us all, women and men alike.

I fervently hope that the up and coming generations, with their inclination to place more value on work/life balance, on relationships over material accumulation, will grow into a society that better supports all its members, not just some. So mote it be.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Amy Oscar

Also, it occurs to me that this falling away of the past, of unfinished projects - unfinished business, if you will - is possibly an extension of a movement that probably didn't start, but became apparent, when you started letting yourself be a participant in the circle, as well as its facilitator, and were no longer just "the teacher." Letting ourselves be real, vulnerable *and* strong - fully human and fully divine.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Amy Oscar

Holy sh*t!

I saw your email when it came in but only just now had the presence of mind to sit down and read it. Multiple feelings came as I read the message. Shock. Then to the edge of tears because...

Fear - fear for you and your well-being. Then fear of my own for myself, as this is something that has run in my family and it scares me. Grief of change and for the fracturing of the innocence - denial, really - that we live in, knowing these things happen, but always to somebody else, not us...until one day, they do.

*Relief* - big relief! - that you're still here, that it wasn't worse. Huge relief that it didn't steal your beautiful mind, or your wonderful communication skills.

Sending big hugs, much love, and lots of energy your way!

It occurs to me as I write that unfinished projects that are not actively in progress are probably still unfinished for a reason: They don't have the meaning or importance to us that they once did, and we just haven't caught on to that yet. Or maybe that we got what we needed from them already, even though they don't seem to be "finished" in the way we would normally define it (or in the way that society defines it).

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I am so good. Almost completely recovered - but also reborn in fascinating ways.

I am sending you big love, beloved heart friend, soul librarian, embodied wisdom keeper, holder of secret keys. Yes to your notes about 'finishing' and what that means: does something need to be published to be complete? I don't think so. So much learning still happening. I look forward to sharing what I can capture when next we gather.

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CRYING, our shared humanity is felt here! What happens to one of us, is experienced by all of us. First, thank you for still being here. Surrendering will be your superpower. You are loved, valued and held. I see you, we see you. Sending you my heart, my prayers will include you. Love to you Amy

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Surrendering does indeed seem to be the work now. Actually, let me put it this way. Surrendering to NOT working on this. To simply being here, with this, as it is.

Thank you, Schantell, for your wisdom and beautiful prayer.

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“ … was surprised at the power I found in my own sound, when I was shown techniques to produce it differently.”

This is where I am resting too

Surprised at what I foresaw as this moved toward me. Through me. How it bow rests inside of me.

It took no time at all to see and acknowledge the power. As I integrate it all and it be real and let it be mine.

It seems that this is the pattern Pluto brings.

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Jul 4Liked by Amy Oscar

Wow, Amy. I’ve been thinking on this a few times since I first read it - what an astonishing, yet altogether human thing. I do hope you are feeling more ease since. I am so glad to hear what it’s opened up for you too - it makes sense to me. I love that you are able to live more in the now, without second-guessing yourself. I love how supported you’ve felt throughout.

I’ve definitely noticed energy shifting on the world stage lately, and perhaps in smaller ways in my own sphere. The end of June concluded a very heavy three weeks, and has released me for a period from carrying the burdens of others. I’m not feeling a rapid shift in myself, but slowly things are happening to move me forward. I’ve started exercising and eating better again; I had my first voice lesson in years yesterday and was surprised at the power I found in my own sound, when I was shown techniques to produce it differently.

I’m still terrified of what might happen in these coming times, but I’m holding onto, and looking for love and hope and the angels that are there for us if we look for them. Sending so much love. ❤️

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Thank you, Stephanie. Big love back to you. :)

I love what you wrote here .... "was surprised at the power I found in my own sound, when I was shown techniques to produce it differently."


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Jul 3Liked by Amy Oscar

Dear friend! Your note has been in my inbox but I haven't been tending to it regularly. You've transmuted what was surely a frightening and difficult experience into something inspiring. Alchemy! May you continue to heal and feel stronger with each day. Sending much love to you ♥️

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Thank you, Linda. I've been thinking of you this week. Funny. Remembering your beautiful home. Remembering Rick guiding me out of the path of a storm in New Mexico. Sending you both big love.

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Jul 2Liked by Amy Oscar

Yes, I’m feeling a shift today … holding sacred space for your healing Amy 💕

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Jul 1Liked by Amy Oscar

Amy, Sister-cousin…I texted you yesterday. I was shocked to read this but am glad you are here and doing better. I hate taking meds too but boy, when we need them, gotta do it. It changes one’e entire perspective. When I had a cancer diagnosis back in 2013, that snapped me right into THE NOW. F*** the past. It is over. We learn from it and, move on.

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Hello lifetime companion.


I am quiet today with less words but ihere is the important one: joy. I am filled with it. And this word is good too: love. So much. For you for the world. 🌎

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Oh Amy, indeed how frightening for you, and thanks to all and everyone involved in taking care of you,including YOU. So very relieved you are doing well in body and even better in spirit. I'm so grateful you've shared this with all of us. I now feel much less lonely in my challenges. I too have been struggling lately with what feels like just about everything. I like to say "this too shall pass, although it may feel like a kidney stone!" The world weighs heavily on me, and you're a beautiful dolphin keeping me afloat in reminding us it's all about the people and the here and now. So much gratitude, dearest Amy. And so much love.

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So much love to you, gentle nature bird. You soar. I swim. Apparently. Thank you for your beautiful words. 🦅

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Thank you for sharing. Sending love ♥️

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Love straight back to you. ❤️❤️❤️

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So grateful you are here. And deepening.

Sending love

And dolphin songs


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Hello, my sweet dolphin. ❤️🌞🙏

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Jun 30Liked by Amy Oscar

Amy beautiful beloved one … You are Magic!!! I am so happy to BE in Loving Witness and Celebration of this Life with You!!!

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THank you, Jyoti. What a lovely thing to receive. Thank you.

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Jun 29Liked by Amy Oscar

Oh Amy … do take care of yourself and let the doctors take care of you too. I had a stroke too, in 2018. I was a lucky one. Detected it immediately,

Went to emergency got the clot buster medicine quickly so never had

any severe effects from the stroke. It did change my thinking as you have reported.

Be kind to yourself take it slow and give yourself time to heal. My thoughts are with you.

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Thank you, Robert. I'm learning so much right now. Mostly about my own urgency, how it pushes me to hurry along and miss almost everything. This stroke is such a gift - I've suffered virtually no loss and gained so very much. I am enormously grateful for your shared experience. Thank you for telling me about the 'clot buster medicine'. Good to know that exists. Wow.

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Jun 30Liked by Amy Oscar

It’s called tPA and is to be given intravenously within 3 to 4 hours of an ischemic stroke. Do not ignore the symptoms.

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I'm sure my neurologist knows about it :)

I just have to make sure I get to him. I'm in such good hands.

Thank you.

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My goodness, my dear Amy… I have so much to say… but first, I what to say I love you, I hear you. I see you, and I’m holding you.

I know some of the feelings you’re experiencing because I have felt them recently myself, during a hospitalization a few months ago which also changed my world, my eco-system, my view of life and time. I have also let go into acceptance of what is here, now.

It is brave and scary and freeing, too. 🌸🙏💕

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Going through the portal together

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I thought the same thing.. 🙏❤️🙌🏼🫶

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