I love the guidance that came through and how you shared it. This kind of channeled writing is a facet of my writing and have wondered if/how to share on Substack. You inspire me.

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Feb 10Liked by Amy Oscar

Amy, I am curious about "We have suggested that she release into our care all of the precious notebooks filled with the loss and love and memory. " I have 50+ years of journals stored away, and recently I have been considering/trying to get up the nerve to toss them. How do you interpret "release into our care"?

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Thank you Amy. I'm delighted to read this transmission as the content and feel of it is parallel to my Substack 'A Higher View' - co-writings with Soul, that emerge regularly when I sit down to write responses to the question of 'what does my Soul want me to know today?' . The difference is in elaboration but being all One, the Source is obviously the same. I have been reluctant to promote these short bi-weekly missives that also support this transition to new ways and a new world, feeling vulnerable to judgement, side-lining and categorizing as 'spiritual' (in fact they - as your writing - are 'Whole' as they include the unseen realms as a simple matter of fact). I am encouraged by your work and publication to courageously broaden my publication scope. It's time no? Having subscribed to your writings I look forward to more 'transmissions'.

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I've thought, the last year or so, these later years are transitional. That is to say those that understand awareness are already, in their later years, transitioning. Before I though the later years are years of wisdom building and that might be. But more to the point for me is that your transmissions note about being in the state we are calling forth. It's not about wanting. Wanting seems to be a precursor, before we can see the layer we actually manifest. We want to get there but can't get there by wanting but by actually already bring there and this is what I mean by transitioning. We can't help but get closer to where we are going of we allow ourselves to be there, right? We can only stop that process with fear. Of course we are always going to be dragged into daily life. We're in Earth School after all. But in between, we can allow ourselves to feel the layers you speak of, right? I often say to myself before sleep, OK, time to go to heaven - and I drift upwards.

Love you, thank you for bringing forth my thoughts, such as they are.

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